e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 218 Kidnapping 3

Chapter 218 Kidnapping 3
But she still didn't have the guts to do so. Now, just to be on the safe side, she could only hold the iron bar and wait for Coach MN to open the door, pointing at his head and slapping him.

The door lock outside clicked, and Coach MN pulled the latch, opened the door, and wanted to take the two people who had been tied up.

But he didn't think about it at all, Qi Ya and Yu Xingchen broke free from the control a long time ago, as soon as he opened the door, before he could react, Yu Xingchen directly slapped him on the head.

She exhausted all her breastfeeding strength, and made Coach MN scream. The severe pain dazzled his eyes, and he couldn't see what happened.

Yu Xingchen jumped off the cargo box directly, and Qi Ya mended her hard again.

The two girls don't have much strength and can't cause actual damage, but they are enough to confuse Coach MN.

Yu Xingchen jumped out of the cargo box first, and did not forget to call Xianchen, "Run!"

Xianchen also realized in an instant, pulling Qi Ya who jumped down and ran together.

Coach MN covered his head, but within a few seconds he regained consciousness, shook his head to regain consciousness, and chased after him with a knife in his hand, "Damn little bitch! Don't run!"

If you don't run, you will be a ghost, and you have to run as hard as you can. How can they beat the knife in the hands of MN coach.

This lunatic is really desperate. Judging from the time when they were kidnapped, they were insane, and their mental state was extremely bad. In society, this kind of person is a first-class danger, and whoever suffers dies.

Who knew that they were running in the wrong direction. There were gravel and rocks when they left the road. Once they ran, they ran directly to a boulder that was not very high.

Stepping forward is a cliff.

MN held the knife and gasped, blocking their only exit, "Run? Run again?"

Xianchen glanced at the height, it was about five meters, not high, and asked Qi Ya and the others: "Can you swim?"

Qi Ya was very decisive, "No, what should I do."

Xianchen, "It's okay, I will, I will hold you after jumping down later, where is Yu Shen?"

Yu Xingchen was about to cry, "Do you think I, an internet-addicted girl waiting to die, have this kind of hidden skill?"

Fen Chen: "..."

Even if Xianchen is a fairy, he can't drag two girls who add up to almost two hundred catties.

Coach MN originally planned to kill Xianchen first, and then put the two girls in an iron cage and throw them into the sea.

Now that the cage is gone, they have also run out, but as long as the ultimate goal is reached.

He raised his knife and approached, "Isn't it a death in the end?" He threatened: "Are you going down by yourself, or should I do it?"

At this moment, the dense alarm bells sounded, and several police cars and black cars drove over quickly.

The police got out of the car and raised their guns, shouting amidst the roaring waves, "Drop your weapons!"

Gu Xishen got out of the car next, and after stepping out of the car, he was searching for Yu Xingchen's voice.

It was only when he saw her standing intact that he felt relieved.

However, coach MN blocked them on the edge of the cliff, and the atmosphere and situation were still grim.

Coach MN was also nervous when he saw the police chasing him.

Although the kidnapping has already been put into action, and he said that he will die, but at this critical moment, if he is caught by the police, he will at least be in prison for decades.

In the blink of an eye, Coach MN risked everything, gritted his teeth, and slashed at the nearest Xianchen at gunpoint.

Under such circumstances, even the police couldn't take conservative measures, and immediately raised their guns to aim, and with a "bang", a bullet was ejected from the chamber.

 i regret...

  I face the wall...

  I went to play games today...

  Diao Chan's pink lady is really pretty...

(End of this chapter)

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