e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 251 Gu Xishen's Mother Is Still Star Rank

Chapter 251 Gu Xishen's Mother Is Still Star Rank
Yu Xing said dryly: "Oh... good, good..."

Gu Xishen was working on the side, listening to the conversation between the two women, the smile on the corner of his mouth could hardly be concealed.

Xue Anya thought that for such a cute little girl, her WeChat profile picture and WeChat name must be equally cute.

It turned out that the WeChat avatar was okay, she took a closer look and found that Yu Xingchen's WeChat was called "Add V to see the beautiful sheep taking a bath".

Xue Anya: "..."

This... this future daughter-in-law... seems to be a bit off.

However, Xue Anya is a woman who has seen big storms, and she will definitely not jump to conclusions about her future daughter-in-law just because of a small WeChat name.

Don't all young people nowadays like that...

Yes, yes, yes... sand sculpture!
My son will be very happy to get along with this kind of girl!

So Xue Anya coughed, and boasted out of conscience, "You, your WeChat name...is quite special, I like it very much."

"!!" These words reached Yu Xingchen's heart immediately, "Yes, yes, yes! I really like it too!"

Xue Anya applied for a friend, and said to Yu Xing, "I heard that you are very good at supporting, and I can also play Glory of Kings, how about we go duo?"

Yu Xing was amazed that a lady of Xue Anya's level could also beat the king: "Auntie, what rank are you?"

Xue Anya said proudly, "The stars are shining, I'm so good."

Gu Xishen: "Actually..."

Xue Anya immediately glared at Gu Xishen, "Go do your job!"

Gu Xishen swallowed the sentence "In fact, he was the one who made the rank, my mother's real level is not even gold", and silently shut up.

Poor Mr. Gu, ever since my mother came, I haven't finished a sentence, and every sentence has been interrupted.

I also feel sorry for Yu Xingchen who was so happy when he heard that Xue Anya was in Xingyao's rank, "Ok, ok, Auntie, let's line up in duo."

Two women of different generations entered the game and happily opened the ranking room. Yu Xingshen checked the player's homepage habitually, and found that Xue Anya was a rich account with all skins and all heroes.

Seeing Yu Xingchen looking at her game homepage, Xue Anya said proudly: "It's amazing, there is a saying that money can make ghosts go round, and it's easy to invest in the official with a small account."

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Even she doesn't have full skin...

Investing in the official is just to get an account with all skins and all heroes. This is probably the world of the top local tyrants.

Gu Xishen, who was on the side, really couldn't bear Yu Xingchen being taken into a pit by his mother to overturn his car, so he offered to say, "I'll come too, I'll take you guys to fight."

It was Gu Xishen's words "I'll take you guys to fight" that made Yu Xing feel uneasy, "No! I'm a dignified national server support! Professional substitute mid laner, it's still okay to play a star game! Are you looking down on me!"

What made Gu Xi deeply troubled was that Xue Anya was still echoing, "That's right, do you look down on my daughter-in-law... Bah! Look down on her!"

Gu Xishen: "..."

All right, all right, as long as they are happy.

Gu Xi looked deeply at Xue Anya, and said quietly: "Okay then, when the car overturns later, don't come to me to save the car."

It was rare for Xue Anya to be stared at by her own son, so she felt guilty, and then she thought about it, it was just a game, how could the difference in technique be so bad!
Xue Anya stiffened her neck and said confidently: "Absolutely not!"

(End of this chapter)

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