e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 257 Xianchen X Qi Ya 1

Chapter 257 Xianchen X Qi Ya 1
I don't know if it was because of Gu Xishen's presence, but her stomach really didn't hurt last night.

At six o'clock, Yu Xingchen was woken up by suffocation, and then tiptoed into the bathroom with his aunt's towel, changed it and then came out, then slipped back into Xishen's arms, planning to sleep for a while before returning to the cage.

As a result, she squinted and couldn't sleep, so she looked up at Gu Xishen's face.

To be reasonable, (except for himself) Yu Xingchen has never seen such a good-looking face.

The curvature of her cheeks is perfect, the bridge of her nose is high, and to put it bluntly, her eyelashes are as long as hers, but because of her cold face, she doesn't have the slightest femininity, and the introverted elegance between her sideways head and downcast eyes is enough to make Yu Xing sink her eyes. Yan Gou fell.

Yu Xingshen held back his sinful hand and touched it.

Before this happened, Gu Xishen spoke when Yu Xingchen was caught off guard.

"Still watching? Don't want to sleep?"

Yu Xingchen: "..."

She shrank her head, and immediately shrank back into Xishen's arms and pretended to be dead.

Gu Xishen hugged Yu Xingchen tightly, and his tone was laziness and magnetism, "Sleep a little longer."


Today is the finals on Xianchen's side.

Xianchen survived smoothly, and the team would send an official team member to supervise the match every day. After one round, today it was Yu Xingchen's turn again.

Qi Ya took the initiative to send her a message: "Are you coming today? I want to see."

Yu Xingchen: "Come, come, I'll call Yanyan too."

Mu Yanyan spent half a month at home without taking care of himself, because he was hit by the MN coach with a slight concussion at that time, and he was locked at home by the over-worried Mu father.

Mu Yanyan's mother passed away when she gave birth to her, and when Mu's father saw his daughter missing his wife, he simply loved Mu Yanyan like a jewel in his palm.

When he came out this time, even Yu Xingchen found out, and Mu Yanyan had gained weight.

Yu Xingchen looked at the increasingly mellow appearance, and couldn't help laughing out loud: "How is the life of being a tenth-level disabled at home? Are you comfortable?"

Mu Yan said that there is nothing to love: "Hey, don't mention it, I almost vomited all kinds of nutritional soups, and my dad just won't let me go, do you know why I can come out?"

Yu Xingchen: "Why?"

Mu Yanyan said: "Yesterday, I suddenly had a nosebleed. After seeing it, the family doctor told me that I was too angry in my body, and my metabolism was too high. In short, I overfilled it. Only then did my dad admit that I was indeed cured."

Yu Xingchen helped Mu Yanyan and Qi Ya get tickets for the seats in the front row.

The popularity of the teams that came up to the finals this time was quite high. Before the game even started, the number of people squatting in the live broadcast room had already exceeded one million.

Mu Yanyan missed a lot of gossip while staying at home.

One is that Yu Xingchen and Gu Xishen got mixed up again.

Second, Qi Ya seems to be getting out of the order soon.

Mu Yanyan has been asking Qi Ya about her and Xianchen's affairs, and she laughed like a barbell, "Hehehe, I think CP like the domineering president x little milk dog is very interesting! Yaya, just go ahead I am your first batch of CP fans!"

With a smile on her face, Qi Ya looked at Mu Yanyan and Yu Xingchen as if they were happily off the list with her, and didn't interrupt.

Chatting and chatting, the finals have begun.

In fact, Xianchen played quite steadily in the previous games. Yu Xingchen secretly inquired about Xianchen's overall statistics with the coach, compared it with other players, and felt that Xianchen should be able to steadily enter the PR.

(End of this chapter)

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