e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 263 I Thought You Would Say You're a Gamer

Chapter 263 I Thought You Would Say You're a Gamer
Mu Yanyan interrupted Qi Ya with a headache: "I thought you would say that you are a rookie in playing games and not worthy of a professional player."

Qi Ya: "You guessed it right!"

Mu Yanyan: "..."

Yu Xing said in a deep voice: "But things like family are not something we can choose. You just have to be yourself. If you don't try to get along, it would be a pity to miss it."

Qi Ya shook her head: "No... I can't be so selfish and delay others."

Yu Xingchen: "You can't not give others a chance, can you?"

Even Yu Xingshen, an outsider, could see how much Xianchen liked Qi Ya.

Every time Qi Ya sits under the competition stage, Xianchen looks up inadvertently with light in his eyes.

This is the look that only people have when facing the person they like.

Qi Ya was about to get some wine to drink again, Mu Yanyan quickly put a glass of juice next to her.

The drunkard Qi Ya's IQ is not very high, he took the juice and drank it down, but he didn't notice any difference. After drinking it, he said in a sad tone: "He is still a young man who can be frivolous and proud. Once his birthday is over in the second half of the year, I will Just 26."

Qi Ya buried her head in her arms and muttered, "I'm getting old."

Both Yu Xingchen and Mu Yanyan didn't like it.

Yu Xingchen is still young, she has enough time for her to play and roam around.

Mu's father dotes on Mu Yanyan and has a strong body. Currently, he has no plans to hand over the company to Mu Yanyan, so that Mu Yanyan will not have any worries other than what to eat, buy, and wear.

But Qi Ya is different.

She was placed with high hopes by her family, and she spent time in an atmosphere of fighting against each other since she was born. Even when she was studying, she had to compete openly and secretly with her brothers and sisters at home.

When she fought those people and got the inheritance right of the family business, she just jumped from one pit to another.

Due to the heavy company affairs, the time for the few of them to get together is only once or twice a month.

It was in this atmosphere that Qi Ya was almost 26 in the blink of an eye.

Yu Xingchen was also sad, and patted Qi Ya on the back: "Yaya, don't think so..."

No one would like to find that they are old and unworthy after meeting someone they like.

Qi Ya suddenly said: "Xingchen, do you have a skirt? I want to wear a skirt."

Yu Xing stared blankly at the black professional skirt on Qi Ya's body, "Yes...but isn't that what you're wearing?"

"It's not like this..."

Qi Ya and Yu Xing made gestures and said: "It's the kind, the kind of very beautiful little white dress worn in high school and college."

Mu Yanyan: "You want to wear..." What's that for?
Yu Xingchen suddenly understood what Qi Ya meant, and interrupted Mu Yanyan's words with his index finger between his lips, and then said to Qi Ya: "There are some, I'll find them for you, you wait for me."

Yu Xingshen went to find the waitress, told her about the size, and asked her cheekily to pick up a little white dress.

Many employees who go to work in this kind of entertainment place do not wear work clothes to and from get off work. Sometimes they will bring their own spare clothes and go back after get off work.

After hearing Yu Xingshen's request, the waitress went to ask her colleague to borrow clothes with a dazed expression.

If it wasn't for Yu Xingchen who was also a girl, she would probably be framed as a pervert.

After dawdling for ten minutes, Yu Xingchen finally borrowed a clean little white dress and returned it to Qi Ya.

After Qi Ya put on her shoes, she wobbled around in front of the two of them on her high heels, "I... do I look like a girl in her twenties?"

(End of this chapter)

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