Chapter 271

Yu Xingchen who heard the voice of the commentator: "..."

The commentary and the audience all laughed.

After the introduction of the players, the first round of the OB7 competition system officially started.

"Sun Shangxiang was banned as soon as the PR came up, and the opposing Baixing team couldn't bear to show weakness, so Gongsun Li was banned from them."

Commentator C smiled and said: "Okay, I banned two shooters when I came up, everyone, stop playing shooters and wild nuclear systems hahahahaha."

Commentator B continued: "If it's a wild-core battle, both sides actually have very strong wild-core players. 70.00% of the heroes in the hero pool for picking stars are junglers, and all the junglers in Baixing Maybe not familiar, this is the first time he came to the KPL arena, it is said that he was recruited by the Hundred Stars Club from the top player in a certain area very early."

The final confirmed ban positions are Sun Shangxiang, Genghis Khan, Shiranui Mai, Gongsunli, Marco Polo, Bull Demon, Diaochan, and Luna.

They are all bans that are specifically aimed at opposing players.

Yu Xingchen's Bull Demon was gone.

Gao Li's Shiranui Mai is gone.

Gu Xishen's Luna is gone.

Qiao Yinan's Genghis Khan is gone.

The only one that wasn't targeted was the top laner.

But Lu Bai was still on the verge of shutting himself up: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Why can't the other side not help my old master Kaihuang... Do you think that this season's top laner is still making up the number?"

It's not enough to make up the number... It's just that it's right to develop strong without these a few paths.

Although Lu Bai got to the point, as a teammate, he definitely couldn't dampen Lu Bai's confidence.

So Yu Xingchen comforted Lu Bai and said, "It's okay, the top laner is just an orphan, but he's still very strong!"

After hearing this, Lu Bai cried even louder.

Yu Xing was at a loss for what to do, he didn't know which word pierced Lu Bai's heart.

At the beginning of the game, the two sides developed steadily and invaded smoothly.

At 3 minutes, the economy picked up a little bit, and the two sides fought a wave. Wu Zetian on the opposite side was not stingy at all with his full map ult, and directly used the ult to stun Lu Bai's old master, and on the opposite side, Dunshan threw the old master into the tower Here, he cooperated with the jungler Pei Qinhu and took away Lu Bai's first blood.

While the opponent was on the road to support, Yu Xingshen's Da Qiao and Qiao Yinan's Li Yuanfang pushed down the bottom tower, and then brought the line of troops up, and then attacked the opponent's wild area with Gu Xishen's Li Bai to try to catch people.

In fact, Yu Xingshen played the hero Da Qiao very well, and it was Da Qiao who made her famous in the battle.

It's just that the age is too long, and the status of soft support is not as good as that of hard support. Yu Xingchen has been trying to practice hard support since last season.


There's no after that.

Yu Xingchen is obsessed with tough guys such as the Bull Demon Zhang Fei and Liu Bang and cannot extricate himself.

Ah ah ah hard assistant is so fun why those girls don't like it! ! !

Apart from being a bit ugly, being able to resist, fight and show off is not as good as Ruan Fu!
Yu Xingchen, a real soft girl, inexplicably played the Bull Demon as her real hero.

It's been a long time since I picked up Big Joe, but Yu Xingchen's hand feels pretty good.

What I said to the team next door is good, the opponent is really fierce, attacking tactically, and retreating if they can't win.

The three people from the opposite side came to double-team Yu Xingchen and Qiao Yinan, Yu Xingchen lost the circle back to the city and opened the big, leaving the opposite side empty-handed, and even sent Li Bai who had swiped the big one over, almost cutting him to death Wu Zetian on the opposite side.

The other party obviously had a chance to kill Yu Xingchen, the crispy assistant who hadn't had time to get a meat outfit, but he just gave up on this head and chose to retreat.

The style of play is stable.

(End of this chapter)

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