e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 284 If you dare to run, you will definitely not see the sun on the second day

Chapter 284 If you dare to run, you will definitely not see the sun the next day
Master Jiu, who watched a father-son ethics drama from beginning to end, just raised his eyebrows, and didn't intend to speak from the sidelines, as if he was very curious about how Xianchen would make a decision.

Xu Yuanzhong said that since he played for nearly a minute, Xianchen didn't speak.

Master Jiu took a sip of coffee, and even felt that the fire between the father and son was not hot enough, so he added fuel and vinegar to the side: "Xu Yuanzhong, didn't you say that your son will definitely help you pay back the money? What's the situation now?"

Xu Yuanzhong gradually became desperate in his heart, and he crawled forward and grabbed Xianchen's wrist, so hard that his elbows were shaking, "I know your son is very rich...I found out last time, your annual salary is enough !... just one year's salary is enough to pay back!"

Xu Yuanzhong's scratches on Xianchen's wrists were bloodshot.

Xianchen opened his hand finger by finger, and said word by word: "That's my money too, does it have anything to do with you?"

Xianchen stood up and picked up the suitcase again, "I'm sorry, sir, I have nothing to do with this person, what should you do, I'm sorry for bothering you."

Master Jiu didn't even stop Xianchen.

It wasn't until Xianchen walked out the door that his subordinates in black appeared out of nowhere and asked hesitantly, "Jiuye...is this the way to let people go?"

"I'm in China, I can't escape, go get me a cotton swab."

The subordinates took orders, and quickly returned with cotton swabs.

Master Jiu squatted down in front of Xu Yuanzhong holding a cotton swab, wrapped the hand that Xu Yuanzhong had just pinched Xianchen with a handkerchief, and gently rubbed the cotton swab between his nails, bringing out a little blood.

It was left when Xu Yuanzhong scratched Xianchen's wrist in excitement.

Jiu Ye raised the cotton swab to his eyes, held the other end of the cotton swab, looked at the little blood on it, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Xu Yuanzhong was particularly afraid of Lord Nine. No matter what he did, he was gentle and elegant, and he was not even excited when he spoke, but Xu Yuanzhong just felt that this man was like a poisonous snake. As long as he got close, the snake letter would definitely entangle him. body.

Xu Yuanzhong wanted to escape uncomfortably, because his twisting interrupted Master Jiu's thinking.

Master Jiu frowned, and with a sudden force on his hand, Xu Yuanzhong's wrist "clicked" softly, accompanied by his scream.

Master Jiu stood up, threw the handkerchief on Xu Yuanzhong who was writhing in pain, and handed the cotton swab to his subordinates, "Send it for identification first."

After this subordinate left, Master Jiu lowered his head to look at Xu Yuanzhong, stepped on his shoulder, and said irritably, "Shut up."

Sure enough, Xu Yuanzhong shut up, his whole body was trembling, his face was full of tears and his nose was sloppy, but he didn't dare to make any more noise due to the majesty of Master Jiu.

Master Jiu asked him, "Do you want me to let you go?"

Xu Yuanzhong nodded frantically, his eyes full of pleading and hope.

Master Jiu: "But now no one will help you pay back the money. If I let you go, won't I lose money?"

He let go of Xu Yuanzhong who was almost in despair, sat down again, took a sip of coffee, and said calmly: "Well, I will show you the way."

Hearing that there was a play, Xu Yuanzhong almost ecstatically crawled to Master Jiu's feet.

Master Jiu looked at him with closed eyelids: "I can let you go now, but you have to listen to me after you go out, you also know my tricks, if you dare to run away, you will definitely not see the sun the next day .”

 Is such that……

  Fixed yesterday's bug
  It's Master Jiu! !

  Not Qiye! !
  Oh my god, I'm a fool. After I finished writing, I found something was wrong. Hahahahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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