e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 333 Dye

Chapter 333 Dye

Qin Bianyu was almost afraid.

It was okay when Lin Yuanjin was there before, and under the leadership of that kind of modest and gentlemanly captain, the Pinru team still has a bit of humanity.

He didn't vent his grievances with Yu Xingchen on the field.

Now Pinru's captain has been replaced by Gu Xishen, and Gu Xishen has also become Yu Xingchen's concubine.

As a result, the painting style of the entire team changed. On the premise of winning the game, they didn't think about the traditional principle of the brother team's point-to-point, but stuck to him like a mad dog and chased him all over the map!
Does he lose face as the leader of the first team? ?


Sometimes it's not a woman who you can't mess with the most.

It's a man behind the woman.

Gu Xishen stepped on Qin Bianyu's dead body to claim credit for his daughter-in-law.

Yu Xingchen was very satisfied with Gu Xishen's performance in these games, so he reluctantly rewarded him with a coupon for a free night in her dormitory.

The following days were very boring and peaceful.

Yu Xingchen is basically going to class, competition, training, replay, endless loop.

Yu Xingshen and the others are busy with the regular season. You Xia is in charge of the whole process, while Ji Mao is worrying about the second team.

The second team is almost running in, it's a mule or a horse, and it's true when you pull it out for a walk.

Now there is no city game during the KPL regular season, but Ji Mao still arranged for the second team to have a KPL pre-match exhibition game.

Although he is not an official player, Yu Xingshen still teased the group of kids: "How is the KPL field?"

One of the team members shyly said: "We will come up one day too."

Yu Xingchen wanted to say something more, so Xia Tian called her over there.

Yu Xingchen had no choice but to say hello to a few of them, telling them to go to the exhibition game first, and then hurried over to find Xia Tian.

Yu Xingchen just didn't pay attention for a while, something happened to the second team.

To be precise, something happened to Xianchen.

Yu Xingchen was called to help the second team fill out the hero selection form for several of them. Just as he was about to go back to supervise the match, there was a loud noise from the match scene.

It was mixed with exclamations from everyone and a few short words "Xianchen, are you okay?" "How is your hand?"

Yu Xingchen's heart skipped a beat at that moment, and he hurried over.

The scene of the game was in chaos, the director quickly cut off the live broadcast, and the staff squeezed into the crowd trying to evacuate the melon-eaters.

Yu Xingshen pushed aside layers of human walls, and then saw Xu Yuanzhong being suppressed underground by several staff members.

Xianchen clutched the wrist of one hand, blood seeped out along the fingers.

He lowered his head, the broken hair on his forehead covered his eyes, only showing the tip of his nose and his thin lips.

Even though Xu Yuanzhong was pressed back by two people, he still shouted on the ground and poured dirty water on Xianchen in public.

"Xianchen! You are a wolf! I have raised you for so many years! How did you treat me!"

"How did I give birth to such a son!"


This is the second time Xu Yuanzhong has made trouble in public.

The first time was at the PR training base. Fortunately, the management personnel arrived in time, and the onlookers at the training base were also of high quality. They knew that this kind of thing should not be spread outside the public, so it did not cause a second storm on the Internet.

But now it is in public, even if there is a delay in the live broadcast, which can prevent the live broadcast viewers from seeing the farce, but the nearly [-] viewers at the scene may not be able to keep their mouths shut.

(End of this chapter)

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