e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 350 Qin Bianche

Chapter 350 Qin Bianche

The plane flew for half an hour, not too long.

When several people dragged their luggage to the pick-up hall, they were greeted by countless flashing lights and rows of excited fans who were blocked by the railings.

The frequency of the flashing lights was like walking on a red carpet.

Qiao Yinan was stunned, and his jaw dropped in surprise: "This...there are so many fans in Yunjiang???"

Yu Xingchen originally thought it was a fan of their team who came to pick him up, but when she saw one of the female fans holding the light sign of "Qin Bianche" in her hand, her brows twitched, and she suddenly felt that something was wrong. .

Yu Xingchen: "Not our fans, let's go, wait..."

Before she finished her words, the rows of fans suddenly became excited, and even the solid railings were shaken by them.

The security guards who came out of nowhere quickly went to hold on to the railing to disperse some fans who were still trying to climb over the railing.

In the next second, all the fans burst into loud shouts——

"Ahhhhhhh my idol!!! So handsome!!!"

"Qin Bianche! Qin Bianche! Look here!!!"

"Husband hubby hubby! Look at me! Take a picture!!"


Only then did Qiao Yinan come to his senses: "Fuck, Qin Bianche is here too?"

Yu Xingchen quickly pulled the zipper of his coat to the top and covered the part under his nose.

She saw Gao Li wearing a hat again, said "borrow it", took it over and put it on her head, covering her face so tightly that no water leaked out.

Qiao Yinan still paused in disappointment, planning to wait for Qin Bianche to come out to have a look at the superstar demeanor, "I've grown up so much, I haven't seen a real superstar before."

This sentence is just full of holes.

Even Yu Xingchen couldn't help complaining.

Yu Xingchen quickly pulled Qiao Yinan and told him to leave quickly, so as not to block the road.

If he wanted to meet a big star in the future, she would give him photos of the big star's naked buttocks playing in the mud that had been kept at home for many years.

It's a pity that Qin Bianche has already come out from the corner over there.

With a group of staff and bodyguards, they appeared in the passage like an emperor traveling with great momentum.

Stars really look like celebrities, even if they are surrounded by crowds, they can be noticed at a glance with their 1.8-meter height and gentle temperament.

Even wearing huge sunglasses can't block the charm of that face from the inside out. Under the sunglasses is a tall nose bridge and smooth and clear facial curves. The thin lips outline a smiley curve.

Just by looking at it, it can be confirmed as the title of top traffic.

Not to mention that he still has countless halos on his body, he is like a walking flashlight.

Even though the railings blocked the fans outside, they couldn't stop the fans who came out from the aisle together. A group of people surrounded him begging for a group photo and autograph, but they were all stopped by several bodyguards and staff.

Yu Xingchen: "Let's go, don't look at it!!"

Qiao Yinan: "I'll just take a look! Just a look! Yushen, aren't you childhood sweethearts with Qin Bianche? Why don't you go up and say hello?"

Yu Xing was unable to complain: "...Forget it, there are too many people, and it's the same to say hello on WeChat."

The number of fans and the offensive were so fierce that Qin Bianche had no choice but to take pictures with a few fans who crowded to the front and sign banners for them.

Qin Bianche: "Thank you for your support. It's getting cold. Remember to wear more clothes when you go out. I will feel bad when it's cold."

(End of this chapter)

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