e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 373 Banquet 11

Chapter 373 Banquet 11
Gu Moli: "Hey... Xingchen, as soon as this is mentioned, I want to gossip with you."

Yu Xingchen: "What gossip?"

Gu Moli looked around to see if there was anyone around, then she whispered in Yu Xingchen's ear, "It is said that Cousin Gu is actually not Cousin Gu's real sister."

Yu Xingchen looked slightly surprised, "Why do you say that?"

Gu Moli: "When Aunt Xue gave birth to Cousin Gu, it was said that she fell into a coma due to lack of energy and chose a caesarean section, but Aunt Xue had no impression of the child's birth process at all. Later, Cousin Gu didn't kiss Aunt Xue when she grew up. Doesn't look like her either."

Yu Xingchen thought about the appearance of Gu Rao and Xue Anya, and they really didn't look alike.

Gu Rao is a bit like his father.

On the contrary, Gu Xishen inherited many of Xue Anya's similarities, just with those eyebrows and eyes, it was mother and child at first glance.

Yu Xingchen hissed, "It's not impossible, has Auntie done a paternity test?"

Gu Moli shook her head: "I don't know about this. I definitely can't do it on the public face. I'm afraid of hurting the relationship between mother and child. I don't know if my aunt has done it in private."

Last year, the Gu family was in a mess.

Gu Xishen took over the affairs of the Gu family, Gu Yang and Gu Rao joined forces to seize power, and even his own brother and son were counted.

It was all the meat that fell from his own stomach, and it was difficult for Xue Anya to be caught in the middle.

It was only later that Gu Rao went too far and started to stand in line.

Gu Moli: "I just want to tell you that the Gu family has a weak concept of kinship, and interests are paramount. You can punish anyone you want. They don't dare to offend the future mistress of the Gu family for a few insignificant people."

Yu Xing let out a deep chuckle: "Auntie, what you said is similar to what Gu Xishen said."

Gu Moli: "The truth." Gu Moli looked at the women's watch in her hand: "Be careful with your cousin, I still have something to do, grandpa just called me, if you don't go, I will be punished again."

Yu Xingchen: "Thank you, little aunt."

"Hey, it's trivial, it's nothing."

After Gu Moli left, Yu Xingchen returned his gaze to the two glasses of red wine.

After thinking for a while, Yu Xingchen suddenly had a fucking bold idea.

Gu Xishen doesn't want to touch her...

That's not as good.

Let it count.

The corner of Yu Xingchen's mouth curved into a wicked smile.

Anyone who was familiar with him would definitely know that Yu Xingchen was about to do something bad again.

When Gu Xishen came back, Yu Xingchen handed him his glass of red wine very smoothly.

Yu Xingchen asked: "Did you fall into the pit? It's been so long."

Gu Xishen: "I took my phone, what happened?"

Yu Xingchen is not a good person, and when others come to provoke him, he can still suffer from being dumb by himself.

Yu Xingchen looked like he was complaining when he was a child, with a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth, "Your ex-fiancee came to provoke me, saying that I am a common man who breaks games and is not good enough for you."

Gu Xishen's reaction was unusually calm: "Then you slapped me in the face, didn't you?"

Yu Xingchen: "This script is wrong, shouldn't you say 'It's okay baby, I'll help you vent your anger'?"

Could he not understand Yu Xingchen's personality?
Usually soft and waxy like a cotton candy, not aggressive at all.

After messing with her, I found out that the cotton candy is fucking thorny.

Gu Xishen pinched Yu Xingchen's face, "Success, your partner will avenge you later."

(End of this chapter)

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