e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 381 Resolving Xu Man 2

Chapter 381 Resolving Xu Man 2
Gu Yang's words completely put himself in the lowest point of view.

In an instant, it made people feel that Gu Xishen was in power and humiliated his father.

Yu Xingchen finally saw Gu Yang's shamelessness. With such shamelessness, it's no wonder he was able to go back to the family from the status of an illegitimate child, and even once made people think that Gu Yang was the person in charge of the Gu family.

Gu Xi sneered deeply, "What did she do?"

As if he didn't want to mention that woman, Gu Xishen waved his hand and asked someone to bring Xu Man up.

Xu Man was groping around in the backyard, and her original temperament could not be seen on her face for a long time.

As soon as the bodyguard put Xu Man down, Xu Man scrambled and ran to Xu's father, crying, "Dad, save me! Gu Xishen will kill me! He will really kill me!"


If he hadn't heard the voice, even Xu's father would not have recognized that it was his daughter.

Gu Xi looked at Xu Man coldly: "What did she do, ask yourself."

Gu Xishen's words made Xu Man tremble in fright.

Xu Man looked around in the hall, and when he saw Yu Xingchen, it was like seeing the last straw, and he said to Yu Xingchen in horror: "I was wrong... I shouldn't compete with you Little...you tell Young Master Gu to let me go, I will give him to you, I will never dare to think of Young Master Gu again..."

Yu Xingchen looked at Xu Man and clicked his tongue: "I think Miss Xu has forgotten one thing. From the beginning to the end, Gu Xishen is mine, and has nothing to do with you."

No matter what kind of green onion Xu Man is, he dares to come and grab a man from her.

Xu Man was dumbfounded for a moment.

Gu Ruo, who came here in a hurry, also heard about the exposure of Xu Man's affairs, and was afraid of being confessed by Xu Man, so he rushed to hear Xu Man crying bitterly: "It's not that I want to drug...it's Gu Raorang." I did this, she said that as long as I can conceive the Gu family's child, the Xu family will be saved, and I did it for you, Dad!"

Father Xu said sadly: "You are confused!"

After hearing this, Gu Ruolian was so frightened that he walked into the hall in a hurry, and screamed at Xu Man, "It's obvious that you want to fly on a branch and become a phoenix! I'm not mean to you! Why do you want to do this?" Frame me!"

Gu Rao pretended to be serious, and after reprimanding Xu Man, he said to Gu Xishen: "I'm your sister, if not, can I frame you?"

Gu Xishen watched the two families acting, with a half-smile in his eyes, and he didn't get angry after hearing Gu Rao's words, he just gave Gu Rao a smile as if he was watching a play.

Gu Ruo was terrified by Gu Xishen's stare, afraid that Gu Xishen would notice something strange, so he hurriedly said to the bodyguards: "What are you waiting for! Take her out quickly! Why is this kind of woman still I can stay at Gu's house!"

Xu Man: "Gu Yuan, you have no conscience! Obviously you told me to do this! Even the medicine was given by you, so people can find out if they check it! I have never been exposed to that kind of medicine!"

Gu Rao choked on Xu Man's words, and immediately became even more flustered, "You, what nonsense are you talking about! What kind of medicine! I don't know anything!"

Xu Man's eyes were full of despair.

She knew that she was given up by Gu Hua.

But she has been friends with Gu Rao for so long, so how could she not know some black stuff about Gu Rao.

Xu Man gritted her teeth, her expression full of madness, "You were the one who made me seduce Gu Xishen, and you were the one who made me drug you. Now you want to get away like this! How is that possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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