e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 400 You Can Be My Wife, I Will Make You Energetic Every Day

Chapter 400 You Can Be My Wife, I Will Make You Energetic Every Day
When an e-sports player reaches the peak of his career, it means that his routines, hero pool, and tricks have all been thoroughly studied by his opponents.

A team like the PR team whose fixed members haven't changed much for three years is indeed the first in the industry.

After all, it is already very good for a player to be able to sit in the KPL for two consecutive seasons.

Yu Xing really thought about Ji Mao's words for a long time.

After all, she is really not suitable to work in her own company.

A few years ago, when her father wanted her to inherit the family business, he sent her to the company for an internship during a certain summer vacation.

In just two months, she almost didn't exasperate Yu Nanshu with high blood pressure.

Yu Xingchen was kicked out of the company with whipping and beating, which directly cut off her way of inheriting the family business, and she could only be a rice bug.

Afterwards, the family kept her in a semi-free-range state. Except for calling her when they missed her, they took her back and felt her to see if there were any missing hairs. Basically, they didn't care about her at work.

She's still young, but now she can say big things like "I can play a career for the rest of my life."

What about after that?

No one can predict the future.

When Gu Xishen knew about Yu Xingchen's worries, he was very calm, "How old are you, what are you thinking about in the future?"

Yu Xingchen: "This is indeed a problem. I don't want to become an anchor after retiring. It's so boring."

Gu Xishen: "You can be my wife, and I will cheer you up every day."

Yu Xingchen was stunned for a while before realizing that she was molested by Gu Xishen.

She laughed and scolded Gu Xishen: "It's not serious." Then she searched the phone for a number that she hadn't contacted in 80 years, and when the other party got through, Yu Xingchen said something straight out of her head.

"Qin Bianche, are you fucking tired of working!!!"

Qin Bianche was still filming on the set, and his assistant came over with his vibrating cell phone.

Assistant: "Brother Qin, call."

Qin Bianche said casually: "Let's put it away for now, we'll talk about it after I finish filming this scene."

The little assistant was holding the mobile phone as if he was holding the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and he frowned with a troubled face: "But, but the phone shows 'Yu Zuzong'..."

Qin Bianche raised his eyebrows, said "sorry for a moment" to the director, then took the phone and went to answer the call.

Qin Bianche's coffee position is top-notch in the circle, even if he meets a first-line director, he has to restrain his temper when facing Qin Bianche.

After all, it's not easy to invite him to a film, and he has never played a big name on the set.

Faced with Qin Bianche's temporary interruption of filming to answer the phone, the director didn't say anything, but only called the supporting actors who were waiting to go first.

As soon as Qin Bianche connected the phone, a female voice sounded obviously unhappy.

"Qin Bianche, are you fucking tired of working!!"

Qin Bianche hadn't gone far, so many crew members around the studio heard Yu Xingchen's furious words.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering who the hell was it?Dare to speak to Qin Yingdi in this tone.

However, Qin Bianche was not annoyed at all, and his tone was smiling and obviously consoling: "What's the matter with you, ancestor."

"What's the matter with me?? Are you embarrassed to say this?? What happened to me is not your fault!!"

Yu Xing's deep voice came from the phone, and Qin Bianche could almost imagine her frantic look.

(End of this chapter)

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