e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 403 0 BFs

Chapter 403 Zero BF
Qiao Yinan played Houyi superbly with one hand. Inspired by Yu Xingshen, he didn't even make the slightest mistake in making up troops, so that he took the head of the opposite Shefu in the first 3 minutes, and moved towards the Super League. God advances.

Qiao Yinan's economy soared upwards in a snowballing manner, making it impossible for the five opponents to withstand Houyi's arrow. With an 23-[-] kill advantage, he successfully pushed away the opponent's crystal after [-] minutes.

Qiao Yinan's Hou Yi even hit a 36% explosive output.

In the second game, the kidnapper team didn't know what kind of medicine Qiao Yinan had taken. They were suddenly so vicious that they all reacted to restrain Qiao Yinan's development.

Qiao Yinan: "Fuck, there's something wrong with the appointment of shooting assistants on the opposite side. Didn't I just take their first blood and second blood last time? As for squatting in the grass three times?"

Yu Xingshen: "Looking at your reaction, you have never had a C before. Gu Xishen will be bullied by the opponent every round. Why don't you carry the whole game as usual, and make a fuss."

Qiao Yinan: "I feel offended when you talk like that."

Yu Xingchen probed the grass calmly: "Isn't it true?"

The two in the lower lane fight each other daily.

Time passed little by little in this relaxed but not easy atmosphere.

The shouts of the fans outside the arena were loud, coupled with the extremely fast voice and passionate tone of the commentary, the e-sports atmosphere that was rendered on the game night was particularly strong.

The second one, PR wins.

The third one, PR wins.

The fourth game is about to reach the second half amidst the excited commentary: "From the game screen, it can be seen that the PR top lane and the middle lane have already pressed to the high ground of the BF. The boatman sailed to block the BF's Shen Mengxi and prevent him Line, Genghis Khan directly hit the BF middle road highland tower!"

"God G wanted to clear the soldiers but was directly accused of death. Only Shen Mengxi lost his big move to clear the soldiers and failed to clear the soldiers! He was directly forced by the PR to click off the crystal!"

"Congratulations to the PR team who won four consecutive victories and directly won the BF team, and won the ticket to the finals!"

Yu Xing let out a long sigh of relief, took off the headset, and smoothed the messy temple hair that was caught by the headset, "Awesome."

Yu Xingchen and several team members all high-fived, and the atmosphere of the whole team was extremely excited.

On the other hand, the kidnappers' team didn't have a smile on their faces, they just packed up their things and prepared to step down, leaving the joy and carnival to the winner.

Although I often joked with Ergou and the others that you would have no chance after the second round, should I prepare the air tickets back to Shanghai for you in advance?

But when it came time to win or lose, no one cared whether they were brothers in reality or not.

When it comes to the game, it will only be divided whether it is a loss or a win.

Before PR, the BF team has always been the number one in the Eastern Division, and it has not changed for three consecutive seasons.

Even before winning PR in the Spring Split, the number one team in the Eastern Division was the Kidnappers.

But this time PR has zero kidnappers, which is beyond the expectation of all fans.

In addition to the carnival of PR fans, all forums also have doubts from BF fans.

Perhaps this has heralded that the era of boyfriend is over.

It is impossible for KPL to have only a group of top teams forever.

There will always be newcomers coming to this arena where the predecessors have existed.

In every championship competition, countless professional players use their lives and blood to pursue their dreams, how can they be willing to lose.

No one will willingly admit that they have lost, and it is time to go back after leaving.

But it is true.

you lose.

 Two more chapters to come...

  The editor wants me to look like the next four days
  There will be an update in a few days...

  You guys are so happy, woo woo woo I'm not so happy
(End of this chapter)

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