e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 407 Love Exposure 2

Chapter 407 Love Exposure 2
She mechanically turned her neck to the computer, only to realize that the barrage assistants were swiping the screen densely.

The barrage of question marks and exclamation marks made Yu Xingchen almost forget the meaning of these two symbols.

【I just knew...I just knew...I just knew...】

[I'm just fucking watching the live broadcast? ? ?What am I squatting on? ? ? 】

[Fuck, shit, shit!I just fucking say it!I'll just say it!There must be something wrong with these two! ! 】

[Bathrobe...showering...living together...my brain is too small, let me go, I really can't make up so much! 】

[This star fan is crying online, the girl I've been watching for three years, she's just been humiliated by a pig...]

[I am doing well in the live broadcast circle, why don't you say that your daughter beat me up as soon as I joined the team? ? 】

[This fishbone CP has no regrets in this life (crying with his mouth covered) Woooooo Mama I hit it, I really hit it! ! 】


The barrage is literally exploding.

At this moment, Yu Xingshen's head went blank, no less than a nuclear bomb exploded in her mind, and a gray mushroom cloud rose up.

All the emotions and thoughts in Yu Xingshen's mind, such as bewilderment, shock, Ji Mao is going to kill me, large-scale de-fans are about to start, etc., poured into his mind, and then translated into a sentence in his throat——

Even a few teammates seem to have noticed what happened to Gu Xishen here, and the team Mai who was still talking about it was as quiet as a chicken for a moment.

Besides being crazy [Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】Swiping the barrage, the whole room is only filled with the sound effects of "double kall" and "lengendary" games.

It was Gu Xishen who was the first to react, and turned off the live broadcast very calmly, ignoring the black screen with question marks flashing on it, and said to Yu Xing, "Go and change your clothes, isn't it cold?"

Yu Xingchen's mind was really full of "It's over, Lao Ji will kill me" and "Lao Ji will embed me in the wall", he didn't even know how Gu Xishen took him back to the bedroom to change his clothes and blow his hair.

The entire post bar, including Hupu and Weibo, was swept by fans.

One second before, there were posts like "Team BF suffered a disastrous defeat and missed the finals and ranked third", and the next second, countless posts with keywords such as "reaching for the stars", "star", and "love" popped up like mushrooms after rain.

#Fuck the trough, the trough, the trough! !These two really got together behind our backs! !Ahhhh really! ! #
#色我惊想解星How could it be possible to blatantly say in front of the media that he came to play professionally for the sake of Yushen!At that time, they will have sex!Must be! #
#不好好打游戏谈论什么恋爱, I knew that the damn star is really a disaster star, if you miss the championship this time, don’t blame me for spraying him to death (smile)#
#How many game MVPs are Gu Shen in these two seasons?Can you tell who is strong and who is weak and who is carrying and who is paddling?If you can't win the championship, it must be caused by your star's confidante (smile)#
After being shocked by the fact that the two are really together, the fans of the two sides began to tear each other apart, and that posture was no less than that of a top-notch star fan team launching a tearing battle.

#A long time ago, Zhaixing admitted that he came to play professionally for the person he likes, so it goes without saying who that person is now, right?It is Gu Xishen who coveted my Yushen herself, and now she is dragged into the water. Even if she can't win the championship, it has nothing to do with our Yushen#
(End of this chapter)

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