e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 412 Lin Yuanjin Comes

Chapter 412 Lin Yuanjin Comes

On the day of the finals, I don't know if it was Yu Xingchen's illusion, but I always felt that there were more media and audiences visiting that day.

After the seats are sold out, there are usually standing tickets at the scene, and you can bring your own small benches. However, because the location is not very good to watch the game, not many people are willing to buy standing tickets even if the ticket price is low.

Except in special cases of course.

For example today's session.

Yu Xingchen's feeling was right, a lot of spectators really came, and those people didn't even let the standing tickets go.

The process of entering the backstage today was also extremely difficult.

They didn't dare to get out of the nanny car at all, so they had to ask Ji Mao and the on-site bodyguards to disperse the fan groups and media reporters first.

Even sitting in the car, those high-pitched and loud shouts can still be faintly heard.

"Gu Shen, when did you and star get together?! Was it before or after joining PR?!"

"We must work hard for the competition! Slap the troll in the face!"

The bodyguards finally isolated a passageway that could accommodate entry and exit, and Ji Mao opened the car door. It's winter, and doing this almost made him sweat.

Ji Mao: "Let's go first."

Gu Xishen got out of the car, turned around and wanted to pull Yu Xingchen to go with him.

Yu Xingshen subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but then thought that the two of them had already made it public, so there was absolutely no need to avoid it.

Yu Xing pursed his lips, boldly put his hand in Gu Xishen's broad and warm palm, and was helped out of the car.

Seeing the two protagonists appear, the shouting became even louder.

Gu Xi took Yu Xingshen into his arms and walked straight to the e-sports hall.

The two are intimate, and their relationship between lovers is completely confirmed.

Yu Xingchen originally thought that he would hear some bad voices. After all, there are so many people who oppose them online, but at the scene, they only asked the media about their relationship issues and wished their fans who supported them.

There was no voice of opposition at all.

Yu Xingchen was puzzled at first, but after thinking about it, those who opposed them had probably already lost their fans, so how could they have spare money to buy tickets to watch their show of affection.

At most, there will be two beeps in the barrage of the live broadcast room.

Anyway, she couldn't watch the live broadcast when she was playing the game, and it hurt their own eyes at most.

Today, their opponent is the No.3 Qingfeng team in the Western Division, and they are also outstanding if they can stand out from the loser group.

Xia Tian was talking to them about some pre-match matters, when Ji Mao suddenly walked into the waiting room with a mysterious expression on his face: "I just received a call, guess who is here?"

Several team members looked up at Ji Mao one after another, their faces full of confusion.

The half-open door behind Ji Mao was suddenly opened by a long white and slender hand, revealing Lin Yuanjin's tall figure, his voice was still gentle, with a spring-like smile: "Don't guess, I will come out by myself."

There was a moment of silence in the entire training room, and then all the players came to their senses, unparalleled in excitement, put down the things in their hands and ran over.


"Team Lin, Team Lin, Team Lin!!"

"Ah, ah, Team Lin, I miss you so much! Why are you here today!"
I calculated that the number of words I currently charge is only a little over ten yuan, and I don’t make any comments on the behavior of piracy. After all, not all readers have a few dollars to spare every month to support the genuine ones.

But after prostitution for free, the behavior of coming to the bottom of the genuine book review section to write low-star and bad reviews is really low.

Ranran has a good temper and always has a good temper, but it doesn't mean that I can suffer from being dumb, boots and boots.

(End of this chapter)

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