e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 435 Auditions

Chapter 435 Auditions
Yu Xing murmured: "You have been beeping with him for so long because of the fraudulent calls, and I always hung up."

Gu Xishen: "Oh, that person said just now that your boyfriend was hit by a car and needed a hundred thousand for surgery."

"..." Yu Xingchen, "Actually, you can tell him that I paid someone to hit him."

Gu Xishen raised a threatening tone, "Are you sure that I won't dare to touch you tonight and that's why you're so flustered?"

Yu Xingshen immediately shrank back under the quilt, and said in a very artificial way, "Oh, my stomach hurts."

Gu Xi sighed deeply, resigned to his fate and went to be Yu Xingchen's warm baby.

After winning the championship, the original plan was to go back to Shanghai the next day, but it happened that Xue Anya also came back and saw them for the last time.

Basically, after the last banquet, the servants of the Gu family have already known the importance of Yu Xingshen in this family. Gu Zheng and Xue Anya have already agreed with this future grandson/daughter-in-law, and Gu Xishen has made Yu Xingshen even more important. Holding it in the palm of your hand and pampering it, you have to hold it even when you go downstairs.

As soon as Yu Xingchen came to the Gu family, everyone basically treated Yu Xingchen as the future head of the house.

Before leaving, Xue Anya pulled Gu Xishen and whispered, "When did you take your daughter-in-law down for me?"

Gu Xishen said helplessly, "Hurry up."

Xue Anya was very dissatisfied with Gu Xishen's perfunctory answer: "Can you still do it? If you can't, let me come. I'll move the Civil Affairs Bureau to the entrance of the training base for you!"

"..." Gu Xishen, "It can be done."

Xue Anya threatened: "If you get my future daughter-in-law away again, don't go back home."

Obviously, she is also his future wife...

But Gu Xishen didn't dare to refute yet, because he knew Xue Anya's temperament, and if he did what he said, it was really possible to hold a press conference to tell the world to sever the relationship between mother and child.

There are two people in this world that he dare not mess with, one is his mother, and the other is Yu Xingchen.

It is really difficult to raise only women and villains.


Back in Shanghai, leaving aside the excitement and enthusiasm brought by the championship, countless activities followed, such as various endorsements, commercial performances, and live broadcasts, it was simply overwhelming.

The Internet-addicted teenager who is used to being sloppy is at a loss, but he still can't disobey the request of the benefactor's father.

Yu Xingchen was the worst, because she was about to audition.

It was the audition for a certain online TV drama that Qin Bianche told her about last time.

Originally, at Qin Bianche's level, he didn't like online dramas, but it is said that this director gave him a lot of help when Qin Bianche first debuted.

Taking over the male lead now, most likely still has a lot of thoughts of repaying gratitude.

Yu Xingshen was still holding a thick script the night before, making his head bald.

"What is this character analysis?"

"Analyze the heroine's emotional fluctuations towards the hero in the first half? What the hell is this??"

"I feel like I have to relearn my high school reading comprehension."

Qin Yingdi taught Lianmai online, "The heroine's character is relatively soft. You can see that when she was playing the game for the first time and was guarded by someone, she wrote it all down in a small notebook. This can show that the heroine's cuteness is only superficial. , revenge is her original personality."

Yu Xingshen was lying on the bed, his calf dangling in the air, and the script was slumped in front of him. He listened to Qin Bianche's analysis, thought for a while, and thought it was right, so he added notes in the blank places in the script.
Corpse Guard: In online games, it means guarding the enemy's corpse
, kill the opponent again immediately upon resurrection

(End of this chapter)

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