e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 438 The original author is actually a fishbone CP

Chapter 438 The original author is actually a fishbone CP
"It doesn't look like..." One of them twitched the corner of his mouth, "Girl? Are you kidding me?"

It's obviously a joke. From the address, it can be heard that the two people have a very good relationship, so they shouted that.

Yu Xingchen followed Qin Bianche into the waiting room, Qin Bianche's assistant was also inside, and handed him a list, "Brother Qin, here are the actors that the producer requested to be selected."

Qin Bianche just glanced twice and let out a sneer, "Understood, it's these related households again."

"Hey, there's nothing you can do about it. Brother Qin, you're told not to accept such small productions. Why don't you repay your kindness? You have to wrong yourself."

Qin Bianche lazily said: "Back then, Director Wang helped me when I was in the most difficult time. Now that I am developed, I naturally have to hold him up on the table." He changed his sitting position and put his long legs Leaning on the coffee table, he whistled to Yu Xingchen: "The supporting role is not important, as long as I can choose the heroine."

Yu Xingchen rolled his eyes, not bothering to pay attention to his bum.

This was the first time for the little assistant to see Yu Xingchen.

He has known for a long time that there is a note on Brother Qin's mobile phone that says "Ancestor Yu", and it doesn't look like a little girl who has been coquettishly hidden by Brother Qin's golden house. I mean you want to die?", like an enemy.

I didn't expect such a tough person on the phone to look like this...

It's so cute...

Qin Bianche: "Xiao Liu, quickly pour some water for my daughter, you can make her nervous."

Yu Xingchen couldn't bear it anymore: "I'm not nervous!!"

Qin Bianche: "Yes, yes, I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous. Open your mouth to drink water, and you won't be shocked. I can't drink the same type of water outside."

Yu Xingchen's role was the heroine, so he was naturally the first to audition.

The author of the original work is also a girl in her 20s, and she is actually a fan of Yu Xingchen. She pulled Yu Xingchen and yelled for a long time: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! You! In fact, the protagonists of this book are you and Gu Shen!!"

The author of the original book, Quiet Mimi, leaned close to Yu Xingchen's ear, "I'm a fishbone cp dog."

Yu Xingchen: "..." Very strong.

Although I was extremely anxious, when I actually faced the director, I was calm.

The director knew that Yu Xingchen was an outsider, so he didn't make it difficult for her. The audition clip he handed to Yu Xingchen was when the heroine Ning Wan exposed her vest.

Ning Wan left her cell phone in the classroom, and the hero Xu Yi picked it up.

Xu Yi originally asked Ning Wan to play in the arena, but when he encountered this kind of thing, he could only send a message to Ning Wan: "Someone lost his mobile phone, I will send it to the security room, and we will be online 10 minutes later."

After this message was sent out, the same message popped up on the phone I picked up.

Xu Yi's originally calm eyes instantly seemed to have fallen into a piece of soft feathers, causing countless ripples, and his expression was unclear.

Xu Yi gave up the plan to throw the phone in the security room, and waited on the spot holding the phone he picked up.

——The above is the original description.

Director Wang originally wanted to find a random audition actor outside to help Yu Xingshen play the role, but Qin Bianche took the initiative to stand up: "No need, I'll do it."

Director Wang couldn't help taking a second look at Qin Bianche's initiative.

Yu Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and began to brainwash himself constantly: I am Ning Wan, I am Ning Wan, I am Ning Wan...

(End of this chapter)

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