e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 440 I don't want you to have an accident in this circle, so you won't have an acci

Chapter 440 I don't want you to have an accident in this circle, so you won't have an accident

Qin Bianche: "Feng Shui turns around, Director Wang, you forgot, when you pulled me back, I was worse than you, now it's my turn to pull you."

Just as Qin Bianche was about to open the door and go out, Yu Xingchen tugged on his cuff slyly, "Where's the sunglasses? Masks are okay too?"

Qin Bianche: "At first I asked you to wear it, but now you're begging me for it?"

Yu Xingshen: "Nonsense, there are so many people out there, I don't want to get involved in the gossip in your entertainment industry, especially yours. I swore in front of my partner that I would keep myself clean and never stir up gossip when I was acting."

Qin Bianche: "Gu Xishen is your boyfriend?"

Yu Xingchen: "Otherwise?"

Qin Bianche thought to himself: Sure enough, she is a silly girl. She has never seen the dangers of the entertainment industry, and she thinks that she can avoid contamination by keeping herself clean?Those things are not something you can't touch if you don't want to be contaminated.

Yu Xingchen was still digging out his coat pocket, trying to take out something that could cover his face.

Qin Bianche: "Don't talk, don't talk...don't break my tens of thousands of windbreakers."

Yu Xingchen: "Then you are not allowed to go out with me later, I will go out first and then you will go out."

Qin Bianche gave a "tsk", "No trouble, I don't want you to have any accidents in this circle, so you won't have any accidents, understand?"

Yu Xingchen: "Don't talk like I'm the only one, you can't protect yourself. The last time the scandal about you and a certain little flower in a hotel spread to your house, and the fact that you were almost beaten to death by your mother, don't think that I don't care about you." Know."

Qin Bianche: "..."

Yu Xingchen exposed Qin Bianche's domineering CEO's remarks very shamelessly, making Qin Bianche silent for a moment, then angrily pulled off the hood of Yu Xingchen's clothes and put it on her, and dragged her cursingly to get ready to go out , "If I say it's okay, it's okay, there's a lot of bullshit!"

Yu Xingchen: "You fucking don't pull my hat! My clothes are more expensive than your trench coat!"

It was almost ten o'clock after Yu Xingchen's audition, and Gu Xishen didn't get up until then.

Special Assistant Li also called Gu Xishen nervously: "The person has been found. It's a girl from a high school in County H, named Liu Fangfang."

Gu Xishen's voice was still hoarse when he woke up, "How do you measure a crime for threatening a minor by phone?"

Li Tezhu: "It was about ten days of detention, but for a student, there is a criminal record...it is easier to affect her further education."

Gu Xi said coldly: "Why don't you say that Xingchen is just a student?"

Li Tezhu knew why Gu Xishen was making such a big move, so he shut up instantly and went to work honestly.

It took Li Tezhu a two-hour flight and a high-speed train to reach County H.

This is a small eighteenth-tier city with backward development, and many young people have gone out to work.

Li Tezhu submitted the phone recordings obtained by Gu Xishen and other evidence, and reported to the local police station.

When Liu Fangfang was taken away by the police, she was still in class. Even the teacher was surprised. She didn’t know what happened to this seemingly quiet student. She didn’t even teach class. Bureau.

The teacher said anxiously: "Are you still in class? I'm going to complain about your arrests so inexplicably!"

The police also said helplessly: "Someone here reported that your student phone harassment."

Liu Fangfang shuddered when she heard this sentence, she didn't dare to look up at all, and tightly grasped her school pants with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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