e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 442 They worked so hard to win the trophy, why should they be abused and threatened by you

Chapter 442 They worked so hard to win the trophy, why should they be abused and threatened by you
The policeman was taking notes, without raising his head, he said, "Detention for ten days."

Liu Fangfang was so frightened that her liver and gallbladder were torn apart, she cried so much that her tears and nose flowed out, she hugged her teacher and did not let go, "Teacher, please help me... I really just wanted to make a phone call to scare her, I never thought about it." She will be held accountable... Many celebrities have black fans! They will scold them! Why should I be detained!"

Li Tezhu frowned, stood up, patted the folds on his sleeves, and interrupted Liu Fangfang coldly: "They are not stars, but e-sports players. They are essentially the same as sports players. They work hard to win trophies." , why should I be abused and threatened by you."

After finishing speaking, Li Tezhu turned around and left, regardless of Liu Fangfang crying in the police station, "Don't call my parents, don't call the police uncle...they will beat me to death if they find out..." and went straight out The police station called Gu Xishen, "Mr. Gu, everything has been taken care of."

Gu Xishen: "Okay, I heard that the boiled chicken in County H is the best. You can bring one back along the way. I'm hungry."

Assistant Li: "..."

What does Mr. Gu take him for? ?Can do anything but work.

On Yu Xingshen's side, after all the roles are officially decided, it will be the official announcement.

After being recommended by a certain Swordsman Masters contestant on Weibo, the web article "Master Supreme" became popular and went out of the circle completely. After being discovered by Jiansan official, they bought the film and television copyright and recorded it as a fan-made online drama.

The news that Qin Bianche participated in this online drama was actually picked up a few months ago.

It was later revealed by insiders, so the small production web drama that many actors didn't like suddenly became very popular, and even capital invested in it.

A small production web drama, because of a Qin Bianche, instantly became tall, and it also attracted the expectations of many netizens.

It is said that the male protagonist is a master of online games, and also a high-cold school bully.

Qin Bianche has never played this type of role before, and immediately aroused the expectations of countless fans.

So everyone finally squatted at the end of the year for the official announcement of the fixed role of this web drama.

The supporting roles are all actors who often brush their faces in front of the audience. They are a bit famous, but it is said that XX has a black background or something.

But after all, Qin Bianche is the leading role, so it's understandable to want to rub the heat, as long as the acting skills are not too eye-catching, you won't be dissed too much.

This has passed.

The male protagonist Xu Yi is indeed Qin Bianche, and many people are excited to see who Ning Wan is the official female protagonist of Aite.

PR.star Yu Xingshen.

Oh, Yu Xingchen...

Ok? ? ?
Yu Xingchen? ? ?
Who are you? ? ? ?

People who didn't know her looked confused, and clicked in to see Yu Xingchen's Weibo homepage.

Fuck 8000 million followers!Almost comparable to Qin Bianche!

But how is this Weibo certification a "PR club contracted player"? ?

Outsiders? ?
How can an outsider get into Qin Bianche's play! !

There is something shady about this cliff!
So a bunch of people went to the official blog of the crew of "The Master Is Supreme" to protest and cry!
[The supporting role is the film crew's sponsor father, so I'll admit it!What the hell is this Yu Xingchen!Or an outsider?What background do you dare to be number one? ? 】
Why did Ranran write Jiansan instead of talking about an online game...

It's because I play Jiansan hehehe, I'm calling a group of e-sports players with high IQ and strength. It won't involve the game knowledge of Jiansan so I can't understand it. Don't worry about reading

(End of this chapter)

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