e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 452 "Preface to Yunshu Collection"

Chapter 452 "Preface to Yunshu Collection"

Gu Xishen: "It's just that there are some minor ailments, but it's still healthy. He mentioned you before I came, and told me to send this back."

Gu Xishen picked up the sandalwood box on one side, about the size of two palms, and handed it to Mr. Yu with both hands.

Mr. Yu paused, looked at the sandalwood box, "This is..."

Gu Xishen: "You'll know it when you look at it."

Mr. Yu sat on the main seat, put down his crutches, and opened the sandalwood box. The first thing he saw was a well-preserved ancient book. The four words "Preface to the Collection of Yun Shu" were written in it. You can still see how free and unrestrained the calligraphers who wrote these characters were.

Mr. Yu, who was originally calm, even trembled a little with the hand holding the box.

Papa Yu noticed something strange, and asked tentatively, "Father?"

Mr. Yu raised his hand, made a silent movement, carefully picked up the ancient book and read it, as if treating a rare treasure.

While watching, Old Man Yu murmured with excitement, "That's right...that's it..."

Not to mention Yu Xing's sinking, even his parents are confused.

She could only look at Gu Xishen with doubts.

Gu Xi looked down at her with deep eyes, with a slight arc on the corner of his mouth, he shook his head lightly, signaling Yu Xingchen not to ask.

So Yu Xingchen was even more confused.

What is it that can make old man Yu, who has always been steady and self-retaining, so excited?
After a while, Mr. Yu realized that he was a little rude in front of the guests. He reluctantly put down the book and sighed: "This is the preface written by my father. During the period when the warlords of the Republic of China were in power, the Yu family once gave up the book. The Yu family's old house was occupied by the local warlords. Although the old house was not baptized by the flames of war, many things in the old house that were not moved were eventually taken away by the fleeing warlords. "Preface to Yunshu Collection" "is one of them, and it is also the only ancient book left to me by my father."

No wonder even grandpa is so excited...

Old Man Yu covered the sandalwood box and asked Gu Xishen, "Where did you find it?"

Gu Xishen said: "I saw it in the collection showroom of a businessman in country H. I heard from my family members that "Yun Shu Anthology Preface" has a status in the calligraphy world. Bought it back."

It's not just that it took a little effort, such a rare and unique copy will definitely not let collectors change hands so easily.

Old Master Yu also understood this, and then said to Gu Xishen: "This thing is indeed very important to me, but I can't take it for nothing. I'll pay three times the price for what you charge, so I'll treat it as if I bought it."

Gu Xishen: "It was originally a meeting gift for you, you just accept it."

Each of Gu Xishen's gifts was more expensive than the last one. It could have gotten Yu Xingchen involved and offered it as a betrothal gift, but it was only regarded as the most common meeting gift.

Old Man Yu thought for a while, picked up his crutches again, and said in a calm voice: "It's hard to come here, so let's have a meal before leaving."

Gu Xishen: "I'm bothering you."

The intention of keeping Gu Xishen to eat at Yu's house is that Mr. Yu will probably pass the test...

Yu Xingchen's head was full of "This is it?? This is it??", before he could react, Yu's father said, "Why are you still standing there? Take your nephew around the house."

(End of this chapter)

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