e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 461 Playing Games with Qin Bianche 1

Chapter 461 Playing Games with Qin Bianche 3
Forget it, hot eyes, hot eyes.

Qiao Yinan didn't pay attention, and went to the third row with the remaining two good friends, and thought disdainfully and sourly: "Woman, what kind of woman do you want?"

Only Gao Li was still fantasizing about playing games with the opposite sex, and said to Lu Bai and Qiao Yinan: "Should I just pull two female fans together to form a five-row formation? It's been a long time since I saw a single girl, I'm so greedy. "

Lu Bai: "What kind of girl do you want, the girl will affect the speed of our gay friend group's score."

Qin Bianche also heard Yu Xingchen's words, and knew that the barrage was probably his girlfriend's fans jumping up and down again.

In order to prevent Yu Xingchen from paying attention to the barrage, Qin Bianche hastily said, "Then I'll open it."

Qin Bianche drove his hearse to Yu Xingchen, and he was still ranked. He wondered if Yu Xingchen could maintain her king icon after Yu Xingchen got off the car.

In order to be able to take Qin Bianche, who is a rookie in the bronze level king rank, Yu Xingshen specially sacrificed his own Diaochan.

With the well-known ID of PR.star, after sending out Diao Chan with a [-]-[-] win rate in [-] games, he really caught the attention of his teammates.

Teammate [-]: A real person?
Teammate [-]: Yu Shen?

Qin Bianche didn't think about anything, didn't look at the lineup, took out his usual hero pendant, Er Yao, and started to be a happy lying dog, talking about his stand-up comedy: "Professional players, top substitutes, tonight you Can you pull me to glory?"

Yu Xingshen replied "I am" on the team channel, and then said to Qin Bianche: "Yes, Glory Gold, a stable batch."

[Diao Chan, Yao, Li Bai, if teammates choose this lineup, I will immediately turn into a king of mouth, if it is my husband, you will pretend that I have never said anything. 】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

【Star, do you know Qin Bianche?Why do you speak so well? 】

Yu Xingchen's face was neither red nor heartbeat, and he said nonsense in a serious manner: "Are you familiar? No, maybe it's because I'm a familiar person."

Qin Bianche also answered, "How is it possible that we know each other? They are from two circles. We have never met before."

Although they usually dislike each other very much, but friends who are friends are friends who are friends, and they can know whether the other party wants to eat bones or go to the toilet with a sound of barking.

Qin Bianche also quickly flirted with Yu Xingchen, "I admired it, very purely. To be honest, star has always been my idol. I am very happy to finally be able to play games with my idol."

The bragging sounded as if it was true, and even the audience became suspicious, and did not brush up on related topics that the two of them might know.

Qin Bianche went too far, and Mr. Yu Xingchen suspected that the car would overturn later.

When entering the game countdown, Yu Xingchen looked at the jumping numbers on the top of the screen, and suddenly frowned with a bad feeling.

At that time, Qin Bianche still didn't know anything and said: "I didn't know each other before, but I just thought we could chat like brothers."

Then, after the countdown, the game matching interface appeared, and at the bottom left of the king frame of Yu Xingchen and Qin Bianche, a third-level friend icon appeared at the same time.

That's the degree of goodwill that the two of them can only get out of by playing at least a few hundred games together.

Yu Xingchen: "..." Day, I haven't played games with him for so long that I forgot that there is still this one!

Qin Bianche: "..." The car was overturned and caught off guard.


Why?Where is my knife? ? ? ?

 I've made it up, I've made it up... I'm going to catch up on sleep, dog's life is important
(End of this chapter)

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