e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 463 Playing Games with Qin Bianche 1

Chapter 463 Playing Games with Qin Bianche 5
[So how did Brother Qin become the king hahaha]

[I have a good friend who is a professional player, are you afraid that you won't be able to become the king? 】

Conscience of heaven and earth, Yu Xingchen really never helped Qin Bianche play a ranking.

That's what he found and stamped on it. It's nicknamed "Although I have a batch of dishes, I have to take the seal of the king."

Every time he got into Qin Bianche's hearse and Yu Xingshen got out of the car, his historical record was all red.

Without the support of gems, the jungler without punishment, the mid laner who will always be solo killed, and Zhong Kui who has never seen him hit anyone so far.

Yu Xingchen's dislike for Qin Bianche almost overflowed the screen, "If the director didn't ask me to make a show with you, I would never play games with you again in my life."

Qin Bianche: "It's a pity that you will not only keep warm with me in the future, but also stir up scandals and tie up a CP when necessary."

"???" Yu Xing Shen said, "You better not come to the set tomorrow!" She wants to kill someone!
In order to maintain the popularity of the work, it is common practice to tie the protagonist to CP to stir up scandals, and fans understand it in their hearts.

But like Qin Bianche said it in such an open manner, without hiding anything, on the contrary, it gained enough favor.

[At that time, I'm afraid that the rumors about the crew's rumors will be on the hot search, and the keywords in the comment area will all be good friends, hahahahaha, how embarrassing that is]

[We can go to the official blog of the crew and ask the director to fire up your gay CP for you hahaha, it is guaranteed to be even more popular than the scandal. 】

[Director: It's hard to control the popularity of actors this year. 】

While the bullet screen was constantly swiping, Qin Bianche's pendant, Eryao, never got off Yu Xingchen's Diaochan's head.

Yu Xing was in the midst of a team battle, and Qin Bianche snatched two of his five kills.

Yu Xingchen: "Are you there as an assistant? The price of groceries will increase when I assist you."

Without supporting gemstones, Yao's economy is higher than Yu Xingchen's, because Qin Bianche's idiot produces full magic equipment.

After finishing the game, even though he won, Yu Xingchen was already crushed by Qin Bianche.

The audience looked at Yu Xingchen's expression, Yu Xingchen's fans felt distressed, and Qin Bianche's fans were all hahahahahahahahahaha.

When choosing a hero for the second time.

Yu Xingchen: "Get off my head."

Qin Bianche continued to choose Yaoyao: "You are dreaming."

Yu Xingchen was going crazy.

At this time, Gu Xishen walked over from behind Yu Xingchen, stretched his arm over Yu Xingchen's shoulder, poked Yu Xingchen's screen twice, helped her choose a Luna, and then took her away from bottom to top mobile phone.

Gu Xishen's long and narrow eyebrows were expressionless, and with the other hand he pushed Yu Xingshen's chair, and Gu Xishen pushed the pulleys and chair aside.

Then Gu Xishen pulled his chair, sat under the camera, and said expressionlessly, "I'll help you."

After hearing the voice, Qin Bianche: "..."

[Gu Shen finally couldn't bear to see his daughter-in-law being tricked, and wanted to take revenge himself. 】

【My fairy love woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh】

【Qin Bianche: OK, I'm redundant. 】

[Although I feel sorry for my husband, I still want to laugh hahahahaha, as if I saw my husband's expression on the other side of the screen. 】

Qin Bianche: "...what do you want?"

Gu Xi sneered deeply, with killing intent in his tone: "Can't you see it?"

Barrage: [Hahahahahahaha I laughed so hard I looked for my head all over the place. 】

(End of this chapter)

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