e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 475 She Almost Believed Gu Xishen Is Such a Thrifty Man

Chapter 475 She Almost Believed Gu Xishen Is Such a Thrifty Man

Gu Xishen was waiting for her at the bottom of the teaching building.

At that time, the sky was dark, and the night was like a huge bat's wings slowly spreading from the sky, and the street lamps in the school were lit up one after another.

Gu Xishen was standing in the warm light, the street lamps stretched his shadow extremely long, and the lines outlined by the light and shadow were sharp and straight, like a nobleman walking out of an ink and wash scroll.

Yu Xingchen ran downstairs, threw himself on his back, and grabbed his back like a koala, "Got it!"

Gu Xishen wrapped her arms around her legs to stabilize her back, "What do you want to eat?"

Yu Xingchen: "Grilled skewers."

Gu Xishen: "Okay."

The skewers Yu Xingchen pointed to must be a shop in the snack street near the school, and the atmosphere tastes particularly delicious.

Yu Xingchen clicked on the menu "this" and "that" and ordered several dishes, and waited for the vegetarian dishes to be baked and served, and rolled up his sleeves to eat.

Gu Xi took a deep look at Yu Xing's greasy hands, smiled and wanted to pass her a paper, but accidentally saw a few bruises on her elbow.

The smile on the corner of Gu Xishen's mouth restrained, he grabbed Yu Xingchen's elbow and put it in front of him, looked at her, and asked her, "How did you get here?"

Yu Xingchen glanced at it, pulled the paper to wipe off the oil on his hands, put down his sleeves, and said indifferently: "It's filming, bruises are common."

Gu Xishen withdrew his hand and said flatly, "Tell the truth."

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Sure enough, the lying technique is not skilled enough, and he was seen through at a glance.

Yu Xing coughed deeply, "I will protect myself well, don't you know me? If you have revenge, you will never suffer."

Of course Gu Xishen knew it, but Yu Xingchen must take revenge if he has a grudge, and it has nothing to do with him wanting to vent his anger on her.

Gu Xishen helped Yu Xingchen throw away the bamboo sticks on the table, without asking who it was, and without telling her that he had the idea of ​​dismantling the crew so that she could no longer act.

Gu Xishen just said "Yeah", "I see, if you don't tell me if this kind of thing happens again in the future, don't blame me for taking the crew."

"..." Yu Xingchen: "How do you say that like a black society?"

Gu Xishen: "I not only want to take over the crew, but I also want to take over you."

Yu Xingchen: "? Take me??"

Gu Xi snorted coldly, "Put it on the bed."

Yu Xingchen barely choked to death on the cumin powder on the skewers.

The boss brought up the remaining skewers, Yu Xingchen munched on the barbecue, raised his head vaguely and asked the boss: "How much? I'll pay first."

Boss: "It's 380 in total, but our store is holding an event. If you retweet our store's promotional advertisement and address, you can get a discount. If you all retweet it, the discounts can be stacked."

Yu Xingchen: "Oh, no need."

Speaking of which, Yu Xingchen took out his mobile phone and wanted to pay, but Gu Xishen took out the mobile phone first, "How to forward it."

Yu Xingshen: "??" What's the matter, Mr. Tangtang, you want such a small discount? ?
The boss quickly said, "As long as it's an open social platform, that's fine."

Gu Xishen originally wanted to open WeChat, but when he heard what the boss said, he slid his thumb and opened Weibo directly, and even took Yu Xingchen's phone over.

Yu Xingchen twitched the corner of his mouth: "...It's not necessary, is it?"

Gu Xishen nodded his phone screen with his head down, "No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat."

Yu Xingchen: "..." She almost believed that Gu Xishen was such a thrifty man.

(End of this chapter)

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