e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 478 Come!I'm going to spray!

Chapter 478 Come!I'm going to spray!

This is Yu Xingchen's first drama, and since he has a huge fan base, every move about Yu Xingchen exposed by the crew has attracted a lot of attention.

The crew recently sent out a sideshow of the set, with the copywriting "The heroine sideshow you want is here ヽ(* ̄▽ ̄*)ノ, don't you hurry up to follow such a hardworking and cute girl?"

The video was edited and enlarged, and the most important thing was Yu Xingchen's hard work and seriousness in filming that scene. The scene with Ai Rou was edited out, and the noisy background was also reduced a lot, and music was added.

In the behind-the-scenes video, the director told Yu Xingchen to stop filming first, and come back tomorrow with a stand-in, but Yu Xingchen insisted on filming a few more times.

Yu Xingshen fan: Ahhh, I feel sorry for my daughter, it's really hard work!
Passerby: Insist on not using a substitute, praise.

The comments at the beginning were all praises, but as the video has been released for a long time and more people have watched it, some people can tell from the repeated NG that Yu Xingchen’s shooting is completely fine, it’s all because The woman she plays with is frequently making excuses to be NG.

So when someone raised this point in the comment area, many people really diverted their attention and noticed this point.

Passers-by fans were shocked to eat melons.

Yu Xingchen's fans immediately went crazy.


Who is the girl playing with their daughter? !

As long as the fans want to pick people up, even the paparazzi will bow down. In just ten minutes, someone read the original novel and found a scene where the protagonist Ning Wan wrestled, and found that the character who caused her to wrestle was Zhuang Chuqing.

Everyone went to check the official cast list at that time.

Ai Rou plays Zhuang Chuqing.

Not only that, but at the same time as picking up the vest, Yu Xingshen's technical fan was also analyzing the audio of this tidbit, and finally decomposed the squeaky female voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry Director Wang, I didn't have the right expression just now."

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot the words all of a sudden, come again."

"Director, I suddenly have a urgency to urinate, and I have to go to the toilet."


It was because of Ai Rou's weird NG reason that their daughter rolled on the ground dozens of times!

This is the fucking upper body, right? !

How dare you mess with their daughter like this? !

key!I'm going to spray!

[Damn what an [-]th-line actress, looks black, eyes dull, lips cracked and tongue scorched, soul loose, bloody disaster is bound to happen soon! 】

[My daughter is a celebrity and is jealous, the villain is worried (manually smiles) This girl has made so many troubles in filming, if there is any IQ barrier, please quit the showbiz. 】

[This matter forces the girl and the bat to die tonight (smile manually)]

Next, Ai Rou's fans started to help the Lord clean up.

[Is this audio real?I didn't hear the original video, so it is recommended to release the evidence of decomposition, otherwise it will be a fart. 】

[Maybe the script has been changed, Rourou didn't show up in the extras, and the audio is also very blurry, I can't tell it's her voice, how can we tell it's our Rourou? 】

【It's normal for an actor to be NG for various reasons. Didn't even Qin Bianche say that he was NGed many times in Director Wang's play last time?Originally Director Wang was stricter. 】

It's none of your business. Fans of Qin Bianche who are so proud:?
[Let’s talk about the facts, don’t substitute other actors, thank you.Also, Ai Rou took the initiative to NG here, and she has a rough relationship with Director Wang. 】

(End of this chapter)

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