e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 489 Gu Xishen played Lu Bai more than 2 stars

Chapter 489 Gu Xishen played Lu Bai more than 20 stars
For Sipi's shameless trick, it is really Yu Xingchen's housekeeping skill.

But Yu Nanshu is a man, and he married the daughter of the Gu family.

Yu Xingchen was going to get married.

There is no reference value to ask Yu Nanshu, after all, parents are worried that Yu Xingshen will be bullied or have an unhappy life in the past when she married.


Life is hard.

After eating, Yu Nanshu sent Yu Xingchen back to the hotel. On the way, Yu Nanshu asked her: "How long will you take this film?"

Yu Xingchen: "The plan is five days."

Yu Nanshu: "Success, go back to Shanghai as soon as possible after filming."

Yu Xingchen watched Yu Nanshu drive away from the hotel entrance, and then turned back to the hotel.

What she didn't notice was that after she turned back, a flashing light flashed past in a hidden corner 20 meters away.

Gu Xishen was able to let her come here alone, because she made a promise with Gu Xishen that she would call Gu Xishen once a day.

Yu Xingchen chatted with her little uncle a bit late today, it was already nine o'clock when she returned to the hotel, she took out her mobile phone and sent Gu Xishen a message "I'm going to take a shower", then grabbed her pajamas and went to the bathroom .

After washing and coming out, Yu Xing Shen applied the mask, and saw that Gu Xishen had sent her a message 5 minutes ago.

Gu Xishen: At [-]:[-], I made an appointment for a training match with the BF team.

Yu Xingchen looked at the time, it was still 5 minutes away, and he clicked into the game.

After playing the game, Qiao Yinan's game invitation popped up, Yu Xing Shen clicked into the room, and asked while wearing headphones, "Who made an appointment for the training match first?"

Qiao Yinan's voice came from the earphone: "The kidnapper team, I want to see how the future big stars are doing."

Yu Xing sneered, "It's still possible to beat them to the ground, boots."

During this time, Yu Xingchen only focused on filming, but it didn't mean that he stopped playing games at all. He still had a minimum of four hours of training every day.

After a while, people from the opposite BF team came in one after another, Gu Xishen also entered the room, and asked her, "When will you be back?"

She arrived yesterday afternoon.

Yu Xingchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I've only been here for a day."

Qiao Yinan started talking badly about Gu Xishen on the sidelines: "Hey, Yushen, you don't know that during lunch today, Captain Gu looked at the beef brisket in the cafeteria, and out of nowhere said, 'Today's She likes to eat dishes the most'. At that time, Lu Baizuijian answered and said, 'Gu Dui, you just worry about it. Yu Shen is free and happy outside, thinking about what to eat'. Bai Shuangplatoon, played out his [-] stars hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

Gu Xishen's voice was as cold as the wind blowing from the Himalayas: "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

Qiao Yinan's arrogant laughter stopped immediately, but there was still a smile that couldn't be concealed from his tone: "I was wrong."

Yu Xingshen felt distressed and wanted to laugh at the hotel, and said to Gu Xishen: "Actually, Lu Bai is right, you don't have to worry about me, I do eat very well outside, tonight's dinner has chicken drumsticks and beef brisket Old duck soup."

Gu Xishen gave a very cool "huh": "Then?"

Yu Xingchen bit his lower lip and held back his laughter for a while, and finally said to Gu Xishen in a normal voice: "But the food outside is not good, I still prefer the food in the training base, because I have you to accompany me." I eat."

(End of this chapter)

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