e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 491 Bai Qiuqiu's Identity Background

Chapter 491 Bai Qiuqiu's Identity Background
The next morning, Yu Xingchen was woken up by the alarm clock. She reached out to touch the phone, but in a daze, she saw that the battery of her phone was still [-]% charged.

Thoughts drifted back to last night, and Yu Xingshen realized that he fell asleep while talking on the phone with Gu Xishen, and he didn't have a cell phone to charge.

She was just about to look for the charger and charge her phone while she was still washing up, but Gu Xishen's voice suddenly came from the phone, which almost made her drop the phone on the ground in fright.

Gu Xishen: "Are you awake?"

Yu Xing took a look, and found that the phone call from last night had not been hung up, and the call lasted nine hours.

Yu Xingchen: "..." Her poor phone bill.

However, she was still afraid that the phone would hang up suddenly, so she charged the battery of the mobile phone that was already red, "Wake up, wake up, why didn't you hang up the phone last night?"

Gu Xishen: "I can't bear it, you go clean it up, remember to eat breakfast."

Yu Xingchen said "hmmmm", just about to hang up the phone, then suddenly remembered something, and whispered: "I'll be back in a few days."

As soon as I arrived at the set today, without accident, Bai Qiuqiu caught the opportunity and pestered me again.

From the moment Bai Qiuqiu joined the crew, Yu Xingchen was particularly curious about this little girl's background.

Yu Xingchen: "I don't want your referral fee anymore, I have a question, if you tell me, I will introduce my teacher to you."

Bai Qiuqiu's eyes lit up, "Okay, okay."

Yu Xingchen: "How did you get to where you are now?"

Bai Qiuqiu took it for granted: "My manager said that I am lucky and blessed to look like my father."

Yu Xingchen: "Then who is your father?..."

Bai Qiuqiu: "The CEO of Linhai Entertainment."

Yu Xing's long-suffering doubts were finally resolved, he let out a long sigh of relief, and said to Bai Qiuqiu: "My acting skills are all taught by Qin Bianche, you can learn from him."

Yu Xingchen directly betrayed his best friend out of curiosity.

In fact, what Qin Bianche taught is similar. If she hadn't been bullied by them often when she was a child, wouldn't she need to use onions to hold back her tears and complain to her elders?

It happened that Qin Bianche over there had finished filming the scene and came over. As soon as Bai Qiuqiu saw this, he hurriedly shouted "Brother Qin, Brother Qin" and ran over.

Qin Bianche was confused, and looked over Bai Qiuqiu to see Yu Xingchen who was staying with her just now, and immediately sensed danger from Yu Xingchen's malicious eyes.

Yu Xingshen made a silent mouth gesture to Qin Bianche with sympathy - come on.

Qin Bianche's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, Bai Qiuqiu showed her stalking power around Qin Bianche, chirping like a little bee.

"Brother Qin, how can you keep your eyes on the camera when you're acting?"

"Brother Qin, brother Qin, what if I can't cry? Will Director Wang also give you eye drops if you can't cry?"

"Brother Qin..."

At first, Qin Bianche thought she was the daughter of his old employer, and answered her questions patiently.

After Qin Bianche got annoyed by the little bee's questioning, he perfunctory her with "yes" and "yes".

Bai Qiuqiu noticed it immediately, and threatened Qin Bianche: "If you don't teach me, I'll tell my dad."

Qin Bianche: "Don't, don't..."

Although he has established his own studio, Linhai owes him his current status.

The boss of Linhai has always loved this daughter, if she really went to sue, he would probably be called back to talk about it again.

Because of Bai Qiuqiu's nagging, as soon as Qin Bianche heard the word "Brother Qin", he felt a reflexive headache.

(End of this chapter)

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