e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 493 Yu Xingchen's Brushwork Is Similar to Master Yu's

Chapter 493 Yu Xingchen's Brushwork Is Similar to Master Yu's

This netizen is really strong, he took a screenshot of the plum blossom picture in the video, and compared it with Yu Hongyun's falling snow plum blossom, the similarity came across his face.

The turning of the branches, the pointing of the plum blossoms...

This is really a bit like it!
At the beginning, some Ai Rou fans were still bouncing around in the comment area: Mr. Qi Baishi said it all, those who imitate me live, those who resemble me die, imitate the stone hammer, Yu Xing sinks to death!
But the quick-witted netizens reacted first.

Yu Xingchen...

Yu Hongyun...

What the hell!

All surnamed Yu!
Don't really have anything to do with it!
Before most of the netizens could turn their heads, an explosive trending search immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Below is a string of candid paparazzi photos.

There was Yu Xing who opened the door to get into the car, and generously took the so-called man in a luxury car to dinner.

At the dinner table, the man in the luxury car brought food to Yu Xingchen, paid for it, and sent her back to the hotel after eating.

And the last photo is particularly eye-catching.

The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, Yu Xingshen got out of the car, walked towards the hotel, and the man in the luxury car got out of the car too.

I don't know whether to send Yu Xingchen off or go in with her.

A luxury car is a real luxury car, and there may not be a hundred of them found in the whole country.

For a while, it directly aroused the gossip of good things netizens.

Last time, Yu Xingshen and Gu Xishen's official announcement was full of turmoil and turmoil.

It didn't take long before the gossip broke out.

If this gossip is true, can love still be believed?

Fishbone CP: Ahhhh I don't believe it!It's just a gesture of intimacy!Absolutely impossible!

If you want to say that the group that hates Yu Xingshen the most in the whole network, it should be Ai Rou fans.

As soon as Yu Xingshen was raped, Ai Rou fans gathered from almost all directions, and then crazily trampled her on the Internet.

Ai Rou was very satisfied with this direction, and decided to give the paparazzi more money, even if it wasn't a big deal, she opened a trumpet and said that she was a staff member of the film crew, slandering Yu Xingshen in the film crew because there were indeed unidentified men who would pick her up Go back and give her something.

She didn't expect that she was just Yu Xingchen who was arranged casually, and there were people who anonymously agreed with her on the Internet.

[emmm, the last time the production team's sponsor father invited the whole production team to dinner... he gave Yu Xingchen an extra meal. It stands to reason that they are the main characters, and Qin Bianche should also have one. When I went to get the meal, I asked specifically, In the end, the little brother who delivered the meal told me that there was indeed only one, and it was for the heroine...]

Even Ai Rou didn't expect things to develop like this.

She sneered, thinking that Yu Xingchen would not die this time, so she bought a hot search for this Weibo, and it was directly pushed to the homepage.

Yu Xingchen is not an artist, and no agent told her these things immediately, and even when she knew that she was secretly photographed having dinner with Yu Nanshu last night, and it was also trending, she returned to the hotel after filming for a whole day.

Yu Xingchen picked up the phone that hadn't read the news, only to find that it was full of all kinds of news.

Aite and private messages on Weibo, news from relatives and friends, and missed calls.

Mu Yanyan: Sister! !You are on the trending search!The scandal between you and your little uncle hahahahahaha!
Qi Ya: Fuck you make me laugh, if I were you, I would never have expected to have a scandal with my own uncle in my life.

Gu Xishen:?Who is that man, explain.

(End of this chapter)

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