e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 496 Yu Xingchen's Family Background Exposed

Chapter 496 Yu Xingchen's Family Background Exposed
Yu Nanshu belongs to the younger generation of entrepreneurs. Although he is usually not very high-profile and rarely appears in front of the public, how can such a young, handsome and rich man be known to no one.

After struggling all night, someone finally uncovered Yu Nanshu's identity and background.

Anyone who looks at Yu Nanshu's background resume will blurt out involuntarily a shit.

There are countless world-class awards for a doctorate degree from a world-renowned university.

Compared with Yu Nanshu's personal resume, of course, his family history is even more surprising.

The youngest son of national treasure-level Chinese painting master Yu Hongyun.

Yu Xingchen said that Yu Nanshu was her little uncle.

That is to say, isn't Yu Xingchen the granddaughter of that boss...

Netizens who have figured out this key point: -dish-! !
Fuck, fuck, fuck!

This is more than the shock that two shit can describe.

Think back to Yu Xingchen's debut experience.

The only female player in KPL, when she entered the KPL arena, she went through a terrible period of online blackmail. Later, she conquered many players with her strength, and gained countless fans with her sweet appearance and sand sculpture personality. Topped the e-sports player popularity list for three years.

From the beginning to the end, what Yu Xingchen showed to everyone was always an inspirational image of struggling alone.

But who would have thought that Yu Xingchen actually had such a fairy background.

After seeing the listed assets of the Yu Group, netizens worshiped one after another: Don’t brag about those people in the entertainment industry who are fake and domineering. .

[Fairy girl!Are you still missing accessories? ?Where to hang where! 】

[Yu Shen!Considering taking a few more boats? ?In terms of gender, you don't have to be so stuck!give it a chance! 】

And today's hot search is not limited to the scandal between Yu Xingchen and his little uncle.

Ai Rou had previously bought a rumor that Yu Xing was in the crew into a trending search.

Before finding out Yu Xingchen's identity, he was basically feeling sorry for Gu Xishen.

It was said that Yu Xingchen had only left for a few days, and he was rumored to have an affair with the mysterious financial master. When Yu Xingchen came back from the set, the green hat on Gu Xishen's head must have turned black.

But now, Yu Xingchen's identity is known to everyone, and Yu Hongyun's granddaughter, the little princess of the Yu family's only lineage, does not rely on her family background to work hard on her own.

In an instant, the double-standard party felt that Gu Xishen was not good enough for Yu Xingchen, and even asked Yu Xingchen to pick a few more for future concubine selection hahahahahahahaha.

But Yu Xingchen is different from the sand sculpture netizens. She still has three views. She showed Gu Xishen the trending search of her and the mysterious benefactor: "Look at you! This matter is your fault! It is rumored that I am now on three boats! One you, one mysterious benefactor, and one man with a luxury car! You pay me for my reputation!!"

On the phone, Gu Xishen replied with a sentence that made her speechless: "It's as if you didn't eat the meal sent by the mysterious benefactor."

Yu Xingchen: ...

After eating, I also ate two big bowls.

Gu Xishen: I really like this trending search, let it stay for a few more days.

Yu Xingchen: Do you want me to continue being forced to cheat on the Internet? ?

Gu Xishen: Oh, when you were rumored with Qin Bianche and your little uncle, was I so aggressive?

Yu Xingchen hesitated instantly: ... I was wrong, as long as you are happy.

Gu Xishen was very satisfied with Yu Xingshen's understanding of current affairs. After hanging up the phone, Li Te's assistant was still holding a tablet, drawing some samples of dresses for him, "Mr. Gu, the weibo starlight feast in a few days, Which set do you think is prepared for Miss Yu?"

(End of this chapter)

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