e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 501 A good chapter is easy to come by, but the girlfriend is gone, she sees where he is goin

Chapter 501 Good words are easy to come by, but the girlfriend is gone, she sees where he is going to get one

At this time, the staff also came up to ask: "Sir, miss, do you want to try it? The consumption list can be exchanged for darts. As long as you hit [-] balloons, you can take away a hairy crab gift box."

Gu Xishen said to Yu Xing, "I'll buy it for you later, go back first."

The staff thought that Gu Xishen was afraid that he didn't spend enough, so he quickly said: "You can exchange for a dart for 20 yuan, the most important thing is to participate."

Gu Xi took a deep look at the barrel of darts in front of the staff, and said lightly, "I'm afraid you don't have enough darts for me to change."

staff member:"……"

Yu Xingchen: "Don't want it for nothing, just treat it as playing with me."

Yu Xingshen's appearance was extremely deceptive, with black hair hanging behind his head, he looked cute and cute, and his voice was soft and soft, even a man couldn't stand it.

But Gu Xishen is different. After being together for a long time, he will know that it is the appearance of the sand sculpture that is specially used to deceive others.

So he remained indifferent, "Shut up, speak normally, I'm afraid."

Yu Xingchen: "..."

The boy next to him who was throwing darts turned his head and looked Gu Xishen up and down, "Your girlfriend is begging you so much and you can still refuse, brother, you are too unkind."

If he had such a partner, he would slap himself when he quarreled, how could he refuse her.

Gu Xishen: "I'm afraid that if I make a move, the prizes are not enough for me to move."

Boy: "..."

Gu Xishen still handed the consumption list to the staff: "Change it."

The staff took the consumption list, looked at the 800 yuan, was silent for a while, and said, "Sir, are you sure you want to exchange all of it?"

Gu Xishen didn't say a word, "Is there a problem?" written in big characters in his eyes.

The staff silently took out the computer, and looked at the remaining darts in the bucket, it seems that it is really not enough...

There were hundreds of darts, and the staff couldn't count them all, so they simply estimated and handed a whole bucket to Gu Xishen: "Sir, take it first, I'll go to the backstage to see if there are any extra darts."

The rest of the staff basically counted the darts and handed them over. When they arrived at Gu Xishen's place, they just took the barrels.

Gu Xishen reckoned that even if Gu Xishen threw it away, he could just take a few bags home.

At first, I thought that Gu Xishen was bragging when he said that the prizes were not enough, after all, how much money two people can eat.

But they still ignore that there is a creature called a local tyrant...

Eat not much, but essence.

Yu Xingshen saw that the barrel of darts was also a little itchy, so he grabbed a handful and threw it casually, but he couldn't throw any of them correctly.

Yu Xingchen curled his mouth, saying indifferently, "What, I can't throw it right at all."

As soon as she finished speaking, Gu Xishen picked up a dart and threw it at the balloon five meters away. With a bang, it hit the center of the balloon.

Gu Xishen said harshly, "That's because you're stupid."

Yu Xingchen: "...Can't you say something nice to comfort me?"

Good words come at your fingertips, but the girlfriend is gone, she sees where he will find one.

Gu Xishen: "Then say something nice, and I'll help you bring back all these hairy crabs."

The staff who just came back from the backstage with the darts: "???"

Oh, what a big tone.

There are twenty packs of hairy crab gift boxes piled up here, and Gu Xishen has exchanged more than 400 darts. The success rate must be at least 90.00% in order to move all the hairy crabs back.

(End of this chapter)

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