e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 513 Kicked Out of the Room by Gu Rao

Chapter 513 Kicked Out of the Room by Gu Rao

Yu Xingshen just drew the wild man flash card, and before he had licked it for a few seconds, he was forced by Gu Xishen's lust and cried to delete the game.

After forcing Yu Xingshen to sleep, Gu Xishen was satisfied.

At this time, a servant suddenly knocked on the door, "Second young master, the old man is looking for you."

Gu Xishen put down his phone and went to open the door.

A servant stood respectfully at the door: "The old man is in the study on the third floor."

Gu Xishen let out a "hmm" and went upstairs.

There were not many sounds in the Gu family's old house in the middle of the night, and the owner was basically in the room, so any sound would be extraordinarily loud.

From the room at the end of the corridor, Gu Ruo's sharp and piercing voice came, "My surname is Wang! Let me tell you! No matter how much money you have, it's still my money! You're nothing without me! You don't want to use my money to support mistress!"

Gu Rao's husband, Wang Bin, and Gu Rao said something loudly, but the voice was too low to hear clearly, and the next second, Gu Rao's "Roll" was accompanied by the sound of things smashing.

Gu Xishen walked forward as if he didn't hear it.

The door of the room a few meters ahead was suddenly opened, and a pillow and a quilt were thrown out.

Wang Bin was probably kicked out by Gu Rao, he staggered two steps, turned around to look at the door, Gu Rao had already closed the door with a bang.

The servants who cleaned the corridors were used to doing their own things without looking up, and it would be embarrassing to be kicked out of the room in their pajamas.

But there is no shortage of rooms in the Gu family's mansion, so you can just find a guest room to sleep in.

Wang Bin picked up the pillow quilt on the ground, and muttered, "Don't think I don't know that you have raised people in the suburbs, and you can do it even when you are so much younger than you. My money spent outside is not as good as yours. The money thrown by outsiders..."

Originally, they lived outside, so no one would know how much Gu Rao was making a fuss. After the Chinese New Year, when the couple went home, they would basically have a husband and wife fight every night.

Gu Rao likes him, he is greedy for the money and status of the Gu family, a marriage that is similar to a family marriage, really has no feelings at all.

It's just stealing, he thought that every man would have this idea.

Especially when there is a tigress in the house that must be sacrificed.

Whoever made him where he is today is all given by Gu Fang.

Wang Bin picked up the thing and looked up, seeing Gu Xishen walking over, his originally indifferent expression instantly became awkward.

It doesn't matter if the servant sees it, but if the brother-in-law sees it, where should he put his face.

Wang Bin greeted Gu Xishen with embarrassment, "Where are you going so late?"

Gu Xishen was not close to the couple. Wang Bin originally thought that he would ignore him and walk over to him because of his nature of caring for Xishen, but unexpectedly, Gu Xishen replied, "Go to Grandpa."

Wang Bin twitched the corner of his mouth, and said awkwardly, "Say hello to grandpa for me, I, I'm going to bed first."

Gu Xishen let out a "hmm", and glanced at the quilt pillow under his armpit, "I also know the people she raised in the suburbs, they are all men, I understand, just don't make such an embarrassing scene."

Gu Xishen's words "all of them are men" made Wang Bin find a sense of belonging all of a sudden, and sighed pretentiously: "It's fine to raise one person, but also raise his old mother together, I really don't like it." I know what that man thinks, after all, he is an unworthy toy..."

Gu Xishen: "Maybe I want to play for real."
Later there will be...

How much depends on hand speed...

The guarantee is two thousand words_(:з」∠)_
I'm still here in the early morning before the full six thousand, today is Ranran full of fighting spirit

(End of this chapter)

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