e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 515 The Real Gu Rao Is Already Dead

Chapter 515 The Real Gu Rao Is Already Dead

The day Gu Xishen got all the materials was the third day of the Lunar New Year.

The flavor of the new year is strong, people all over the country have just passed the new year, and the busiest few days have just passed, and then they will start to enjoy a pleasant holiday.

Xue Anya sent away the last group of relatives who came to visit, and took Gu Xishen to see the gems she had prepared for Yu Xingchen.

Everything is a rare treasure, extremely luxurious.

But if Yu Xing wants to re-select, she will only say that sapphires add mana, red agates add life, and emeralds add recovery...

Like a silly roe deer, she doesn't have the temperament of a rich lady at all.

Gu Xishen said: "They're all pretty, Xing Chen likes pink ones, so let's just have this pink diamond."

Xue Anya happily indulged in her own jewelry kingdom, thinking about how to inlay this gemstone more beautifully.

Xue Anya: "Actually, this red agate is also quite beautiful, suitable for your sister."

She picked up the onyx in front of the mirror and gestured.

Even though Gu Ruo didn't kiss her, Xue Anya's kindness to her is still obvious to all.

Just because he cared about his mother's feelings, Gu Xishen has always ignored and restrained Gu Yuan's encroachment all these years.

Gu Xishen gave a dispensable "hmm", then changed the topic suddenly, and said to Xue Anya, "I have something for you to see."

Gu Xishen handed Xue Anya the folder in his hand.

Xue Anya didn't notice it, and she even said to Gu Xishen in a good mood: "What is this? You and Xingchen..."

She didn't say the rest of the sentence, and choked in her throat.Because she opened the folder and took out the documents, on the first page was written "Kindness Identification Report" in enlarged font.

The smile on Xue Anya's mouth suddenly froze on her face.

She maintained this action for several seconds without opening it, then stuffed back the document that hadn't been fully taken out, took a deep breath, "I told you, you don't have to..."

Gu Xi said coldly, and interrupted her: "My sister is dead, she died in the nursery on the third day of her birth."

For the first time in history, Xue Anya spoke harshly to him, "Shut up! Get out!"

Gu Xishen didn't refute, turned around and walked out.

After closing the door, the sound of countless things falling to the ground and shattering came from behind the door.

Within a few seconds, Xue Anya's wailing came again, and that cry that seemed to hit the soul was the most moving.

It's even impossible to imagine that this crying came from Xue Anya who was smiling every day.

With his back to the door, Gu Xishen heard the cries coming from inside, raised his head slightly, closed his eyes, calmed down for a while, then took out a cigarette from his pocket, and walked away slowly amidst the curling smoke.

There was actually nothing special in that folder, just two paternity tests.

One is for Gu Rao and Xue Anya.

The other one belonged to Gu Yuan and another woman.

Maybe Xue Anya doesn't know this woman, but Gu Yang is absolutely familiar with her.

In fact, Xue Anya has always resisted the paternity test.

Even if she is willing to deceive herself and think that Gu Rao is her own daughter, she is unwilling to admit that she is just a Xibei, and the real Gu Rao is already dead.
When I was searching for information about the nursery just now...

All that popped up was information about a ghost movie called the Nursery Room
The fierce man who coded late at night silently turned on all the lights in the house

(End of this chapter)

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