Chapter 520

Facts have proved that Yu Xingchen's outfit can really confuse people.

A person in charge of the press conference saw that Yu Xingchen had nothing to do, so he patted her on the shoulder, "Go and help move the lampshade over there, don't fish in troubled waters all day, do you still want a job?"

Before Gu Xishen came out, Yu Xingchen was also happy with the cosplay staff, who responded and went to help diligently.

Gu Xishen was wearing a well-fitting business-style suit with a crisp appearance and a meticulously tied tie. Followed by a group of people, he walked into the press conference with his long legs.

He said to the upper management of the group who followed him: "Last month, the profit point of Group A projects was too low. Don't tell me it's because of the Chinese New Year. Either you can find ways to increase the profit, or you can pack up and go to the financial office to get it." Get the money and get out."

The upper level of a certain group even said yes.

Gu Xishen was about to say something more, but he caught a glimpse of a certain figure from the corner of his eye.

The senior management of the group even flipped through the folder in their hands to read last month's data to Gu Xishen.

Gu Xishen just shook off the crowd and walked forward.

"In fact, last month, the interest rate points of Group A projects were..."

He just read the important part, and then found that his president walked forward without listening to a word.

He quickly closed the folder and followed.

Just now that person came to ask Yu Xing to move the lampshade, it really made her a little 1.6 meters five.

Yu Xingchen stood on tiptoe and couldn't reach the lampshade.

The person in charge who called Yu Xingchen over there saw that she was so useless, rolled his eyes and wanted her to go elsewhere.

Before the person in charge walked over, he saw his big boss reaching out to help her get the lampshade.


Gu Xishen: "Don't you know how much you weigh? Who asked you to do this?"

The person in charge came over frightened, not knowing what relationship Gu Xishen had with this small staff member, he stumbled and said, "President, CEO..."

Yu Xingchen glanced at her, and excused her, "I'm bored to help myself."

Gu Xishen: "If you're bored, go to the side and play games by yourself, and I'll take you to dinner when I'm done."

Yu Xingchen nodded.

Assistant Li immediately took him to the rest area.

The location here is just right, she can clearly see Gu Xishen speaking on stage.

As the industry leader, Gu's Group, the media and the group invited for the press conference are all top domestic.

Gu Xishen's main responsibility was to explain the new technology in an all-round way at the press conference, and show his face by the way.

As for what to do offline, just leave it to Gu's elite team.

Gu Xishen's lean and perfect body was put on a well-tailored black and white suit, not inferior to the handsome appearance of a supermodel superstar, his clear eyes were like obsidian under the light, not burning, but enough to make people who saw it unforgettable .

Under the gaze of hundreds of people and countless flashing lights, the voice is still calm and steady.

From every pore of the body exudes the composure and condensation of well-bred.

Even Yu Xingchen seldom saw him dressed like this, the button of his shirt was buttoned to his Adam's apple, he looked dignified and abstinent.

Whether it's Gu Xishen's lazy look in the training room, or his calm and rational look during the competition.

Or it may be like strategizing on the main podium now.

He can always easily touch her heartstrings.

Just like the first meeting in Nandali, the demeanor that exudes from every gesture is enough to make everyone who sees fall in love, even if there are thousands of people, I will go there.

(End of this chapter)

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