Chapter 524
Xue Anya's brilliance had been buried by this marriage for many years, but no one still forgot, this strong lady killed in the business world.

The Xue family was originally a wealthy family, if Xue Anya hadn't married Gu Yang and devoted herself to being a rich wife, her achievements would definitely be more than what she is today.

Even so, Gu Yang's current achievements are still inseparable from Xue Anya's support for so many years.

It's unbelievable that Xue Anya got divorced.

Xue Anya said: "Gu Yang and I went through the divorce procedures a few days ago. The reason for the divorce is that we have been separated for several years due to emotional incompatibility. The woman who cheated, and has been hiding it from me, he and the woman are already pregnant with a son and a daughter."

Xue Anya's words, to everyone's ears, undoubtedly sounded like a depth bomb, and the explosion instantly caused everyone below to be extremely surprised, and they began to discuss a lot.

Every time Xue Anya said something, Gu Rao's face turned pale.

When Xue Anya said, "Because you are not the daughter of Gu's parents at all", the psychological defense that Gu Rao had built had already begun to collapse.

When she heard that Xue Anya already knew about "being pregnant with a son and a daughter", the sudden blow even made her eyes go blank, her ears were buzzing, and she couldn't see or hear anything.

how can that be possible……

How could I know this...

Xue Anya said every word, "Gu Yang's behavior not only constituted the crime of marriage fraud, but also constituted fraudulent upbringing, which violated my personality rights and reputation rights, and actually caused damage to my economic interests. I Proceedings will be filed in court."

Xue Anya suddenly looked at Gu Rao, with hatred in her eyes, "I have no obligation to support Gu Rao, I will ask the court for Gu Rao to return the alimony for more than 20 years, and I have already agreed with the current ruler of the Gu family chaebol, It was my own son, Gu Xishen, who asked for advice and asked Gu Rao to return all the money he spent from the group over the years."

Gu Ruo's face was as pale as a ghost. After Xue Anya said this, she suddenly screamed loudly, "Mom! You have raised me for more than 20 years, how could I not be you?" biological!"

Xue Anya threw down the paternity test in her hand, and a few pieces of paper fell in front of Gu Rao, "Don't call me mom! Whether you are my own, has its own scientific basis!"

Regardless of the last bit of decent image, Gu Rao hastily squatted down to pick up the paternity test on the ground.

There are two paternity tests in total, one of which is from her and Xue Anya.

I don't know how to get the DNA of her biological mother, and the words "relationship between mother and daughter" are written in black and white.

How could Xue Anya know about this...

Gu Rao's vicious eyes locked on Gu Xishen, fierce like a ghost, "It must be you! It must be you who framed me! This paternity test is absolutely fake!"

The sharp sound was like fingernails scraping against glass, which was extremely harsh.

Xue Anya said coldly: "You know in your heart whether it's true or not. You and Gu Yang teamed up to lie to me. Gu Yang has already confessed to this matter and agreed to divorce. What else are you obsessed with!"

Gu Ruo tremblingly said: "Mom..."

"Don't call me mom!" Xue Anya said sharply, "Shouldn't your biological mother be the woman in Building 55 in the suburban villa?! Your biological brother is the child of that woman! You have called me for so many years Damn, won't your conscience hurt?!"

(End of this chapter)

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