Chapter 526
The court judged the matter of Gu Yuan very quickly.

Because the evidence Xue Anya collected was very complete, she almost pulled out the little three's household registration booklet.

Gu Yang agreed to the divorce, but he did not agree to leave the house. After arguing with Xue Anya for several days, under the pressure of Gu Zheng, he signed the judgment and gave Xue Anya all the marital property of the past few years.

Gu Yang is now completely a useless person supported by his family.

Wang Bin's company also relied entirely on Gu Rao to throw in the Gu family's money to become a first-class company.

Gu Rao wanted to return all the money she took from Gu's company. She sold countless jewelry and mansions, but she only got together a little.

She put her mind on Wang Bin's company.

At that time, Wang Bin was still at his mistress' house, and Gu Rao, as usual, rushed in like a wild shrew.

Now that Gu Rao no longer has the title of Miss Gu's family, what else can Wang Bin fear from her.

It feels like the son of an official family with a low status in ancient times married the princess of the current dynasty, but the princess was a counterfeit, and was demoted to a commoner by the emperor, and the son-in-law has already achieved the position of a first-rank official, so there is no need to care about it His face became submissive.

So when Gu Rao came to make trouble, Wang Bin was still quite impatient, "Gu Rao, are you annoyed?"

This was the first time Wang Bin dared to speak to himself in this tone.Gu Rao stared in disbelief, pointed to his nose and said, "How dare you say I'm annoying?! Wang Bin! I gave you face, didn't I?!"

Wang Bin: "I ask you to see how much you weigh now. I thought you were a phoenix, but in fact you are a golden pheasant with phoenix feathers."

Gu Rao was really angry, and wanted to reach out to slap Wang Bin, but Wang Bin grabbed his wrist with one hand and pushed him back.

Gu Rao staggered back two steps and fell directly on the sofa.

Wang Bin's eyes were full of impatience, "I know what you are looking for me for. I can pay for the Gu family seeking compensation from you. I will pay as much as you own in the company. It's the best of benevolence, right?" ?”

Although Wang Bin turned over as a serf, he didn't go too far.

Even though Gu Rao is an illegitimate daughter, she still bears the surname "Gu".

He still doesn't know what kind of attitude the Gu family has towards Gu Rao.

As long as Gu Rao's surname is Gu, his identity can still surpass most people.

But in fact, Gu Yuan's shares in the company are only 30.00%.

Even if they were all sold off, it would still not be able to stop the [-] billion that the court judged.

"The surname is Wang! You have no conscience!" Gu Rao said hysterically, "Don't forget! I brought up your company all by myself! Now that something happened to me, why don't you help me solve it!"

Wang Bin said: "Yes, yes, I know that, so I'm being polite to you now. How about this? If you sign the divorce agreement, you can at least share half of the property after marriage."

With that said, Wang Bin took out the divorce agreement that he had prepared a long time ago from the drawer.

Moreover, he had already signed everything, and Gu Rao just had to sign his name, and he would be able to divide the property and leave immediately.

Wang Bin's calculations were well calculated, the divorce would only give away half of the marital property, if not, Gu Rao could ask him to plug the 3000 billion hole.

It was a dream!Even if his company is allowed to operate for 100 years, he still cannot afford to pay back so much money.

(End of this chapter)

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