e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 551 If you don't hug a sweet and soft girlfriend, you have to listen to Qiao 1 Nan Zhen

Chapter 551 If you don't hug a sweet and soft girlfriend, you have to listen to Qiao Yinan's shocking snoring?
Angrily, Yu Xing took out the pajamas from the box, and seeing Gu Xishen's leisurely look, he couldn't be more angry, and suddenly became angry, and when he walked into the bathroom, he said to Gu Xishen: "Indeed, who said he would die on my bed after finishing the work last time, isn't it still good now?"

Seeing that Gu Xishen's eyes narrowed dangerously, Yu Xingshen immediately walked into the bathroom and locked the door, and turned on the shower in a good mood to take a shower.

Yu Xingchen felt good about himself, and provoked Gu Xishen to save face.

But she didn't realize at all that where the lonely man and the widow are now, the game will start five days later, and the behavior she just did can be called death.

Yu Xingchen thought that Gu Xishen would go back to his room just to help her pack her luggage.

After all, everyone in the team still doesn't know that Gu Xishen has become a frequent visitor in the national daughter's boudoir. Ji Mao honestly helped Yu Xingchen and Gu Xishen book two rooms.

But when Yu Xingchen walked out of the bathroom in pajamas, wiping her hair and humming a song, the person she thought had left was hanging her clothes in the closet, blatantly occupying half of her closet.

"..." Yu Xingchen: "Shouldn't you be leaving???"

Gu Xi raised his eyebrows deeply and asked, "Go, where are you going?"

Yu Xing circled in a daze: "Your room, didn't Ji Mao just say that it's next to me?"

Gu Xishen said "Oh", and this time he was in a good mood, "Several teams have stayed in the hotel, and it seems that there are not enough rooms. I just discussed with Ji Mao and decided to give my room to you." Retired, saving money and making it convenient for others, don’t you think?”

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Save money with a hammer! !
With Gu Xishen, the biggest benefactor's father, in one day, the term "saving funds" would never appear in Ji Mao's dictionary!
Ji Mao of the Japanese dog! !Get out and get stabbed! !
Gu Xi took a deep look at the unpredictable expression on Yu Xingchen's little face, and was very satisfied, so he decided that it would be better not to tell her the truth.

It was indeed Ji Mao's idea to check out, but it didn't make him live with Yu Xing after checking out, but made him feel wronged and share a room with Qiao Yinan.

But who is Gu Xishen, who has a sweet and soft girlfriend who doesn't want to hug him, so he has to listen to Qiao Yinan's shocking snoring?
He is not stupid.

So as soon as Ji Mao left, he turned around and returned to Yu Xingchen's room.

Gu Xishen looked at Yu Xingchen like a fish waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board, or a salted fish that couldn't even turn over.

He took off his coat slowly, and leaned closer to Yu Xingchen: "There is an old saying, I guess you have heard it too, is peony flower a ghost even if you die..."

Yu Xingchen kept retreating until Gu Xishen pressed against the door panel, unable to advance or retreat.

Yu Xingchen, who was still complacent just now, stammered suddenly: "I, I...everyone is here, this is not good..."

Her hand had already touched the doorknob, and she felt a little confident in her heart, "Actually... Actually, I don't think it's okay for me to sleep with the staff lady!"

After saying this, Yu Xingchen took advantage of Gu Xishen's inattention, opened the door and ran away.

Nonsense, if you don't run faster today, she will never get out of bed tomorrow.

But it was because Yu Xingchen ran so fast that when she got to the staff member's side, she realized that she didn't even have time to bring her mobile phone.

Converted from the current time, it is seven o'clock in the afternoon.

Yu Xingchen: "..."

How desperate is this for the internet-addicted girl who has to bring a mobile phone to bed every morning and go to the toilet.

(End of this chapter)

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