e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 562 Who is the phone screensaver

Chapter 562 Who is the phone screensaver
Xianchen: "We were still talking about just now."

The corners of his mouth were drawn down, but he said this in a tone of grievance and accusation, which brought Qi Ya back to the time when Xianchen hadn't confessed his love in a trance.

Qi Ya opened her mouth, suddenly not knowing what to say.

At the auction just now, the phrase "we" was indeed blurted out by her without thinking so much.

Qi Ya: "I'm sorry, I was the one who overstepped the line just now."

Xianchen thought about Qi Ya's countless answers, maybe explaining a slip of the tongue, maybe laughing without saying a word, maybe changing the subject.

But what he didn't expect was that Qi Ya could say the word Yueju.

Even if it was any kind of answer, it would sound much better to him than the word Yueju.

Just these two very simple words, as if in an instant, the distance that he had finally come close to again was enlarged infinitely, creating a gully in the middle that even heaven and man could not cross.

Xianchen suddenly raised his feet and walked forward, bringing the distance between the two closer by less than [-] centimeters. He even lowered his head on purpose and stared into Qi Ya's eyes, as if this would bring them closer. Stranger distance.

"Do you think I'm stupid or easy to fool? When I was in the car, I was going to kiss me, and the background picture of the phone is me. Anything is more polite than the word 'we' you said?"

Qi Ya suddenly squeezed the mobile phone in her handbag tightly, with such strength that even the knuckles turned white.

It turned out that when he was in the car, he didn't fall asleep at all!

Even if he didn't open his eyes, he could feel all the actions she made in a daze.

Qi Ya suppressed the embarrassment of being caught in her heart, her voice was so calm that even she couldn't believe it came from her mouth.

"--so what?"

Xianchen's well-tailored suit has no wrinkles, and the delicate cuffs reflect the cold light under the light of the crystal lamp.

Qi Ya: "Didn't you know from the beginning that I have no resistance to your face?"

Xianchen's eyes were a little cold.

She met Xianchen's gaze, and it took several seconds before she continued: "It's not a man's right to appreciate beauty."

Qi Ya's words almost made it clear - as long as that face is to her liking, even if it's not Xianchen, she can kiss it at that time and in that place.

Qi Ya: "There is also the background of the mobile phone. It is a photo of Xingchen's game. I thought it was very handsome, so I took it. You misunderstood."

In fact, once some words start, you will find that it is not so difficult to say.

In fact, when I said it, it was not as embarrassing as I imagined.

She is really pushing Xianchen away step by step.

Even the most persistent person will have final pride and bottom line, she doesn't want Xianchen to waste time on her.

But what she didn't expect was that even though she had said it so bluntly, Xianchen still said: "You and Yushen have such a good relationship, there is no need to use this photo taken from a candid angle as a screensaver, the people in the photo It's not Yushen."

Qi Ya opened her mouth: "I..."

She seemed to want to deny something, but Xianchen couldn't refuse to interrupt her: "Because you can't usually see that person, this angle is already the closest distance you can get to him."

His tone was full of disbelief, "It's me, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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