e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 564 The days when the two had no intersection should be the best ending between them

Chapter 564 The days when the two had no intersection should be the best ending between them
Mr. Wang: "Oh...well, well..."

Before the dance music was even over, Qi Ya let go of Mr. Wang, apologized with a smile and left.

As soon as she left the dance floor and turned her back to the crowd, the smile on Qi Ya's face withdrew, and she turned and went into the bathroom.

When there was no one around, Qi Ya coughed, and a few drops of red blood dripped from the washbasin on the white surface.

Qi Ya took out a few pieces of paper from her bag, wiped her mouth, and touched up her makeup in front of the mirror.

The woman in the mirror is wearing fair and delicate makeup, with peach-colored eyeshadow on the end of her eyes, long eyelashes curled up, and red lip gloss depicting a beautiful lip shape.

Makeup can completely hide a person's complexion, no matter what time it is, she makes everyone feel exquisite and capable.

But no matter how perfect the makeup is, it can't hide the soul that is about to be decayed.

Even she herself can't remember the years when she was the most unscrupulous.

That should be when she was in college, she didn't formally manage the company, and she had a lot of time to go crazy with her classmates and friends every day.

In the air-conditioned dormitory, wearing the loosest clothes, unkemptly complaining about the private affairs of some little girls with roommates, gossip about some influential figures in the school, enjoying the whole youth unscrupulously.

——That seemed a long time ago.

I don't know when the loose clothes were replaced by smart business clothes and dresses, with high heels, and a plain face covered with exquisite makeup all day long.

The large and solemn office is compared with the small and relaxed bedroom.

That is the youth that can never go back.

She saw the shadow of her past in Xianchen.

In fact, the days when the two had no intersection should be the best ending between them.

Never should, never should, that is, she shouldn't have feelings for Xianchen that she shouldn't have.

It should have been broken long ago.

Qi Ya turned on the faucet and watched the few drops of blood being fainted and washed down the sewer with a blank expression.

She packed up her appearance and walked out of the bathroom.

When walking back to the main venue, she suddenly felt someone following her behind her.

Qi Ya turned her head cautiously, and brushed her shoulder with one hand.

If she hadn't turned around suddenly, what that hand should have touched was her bare/exposed shoulder.

Qi Ya stepped back a few steps, and looked at this person with a worried expression: "Is there something wrong?"

Behind her was a fat man in a suit and leather shoes, who smiled apologetically at Qi Ya, "I'm sorry, I didn't bump into you, did I?"

Obviously the gesture just now was to touch her actively, but when he answered, he said that he bumped into her accidentally.

Qi Ya frowned and said softly, "It's okay."

She rubbed the goosebumps on her arms, and wanted to find a corner to hang out until the banquet was over, but the fat man followed her step by step.

Qi Ya couldn't hold back her expression any longer, and said to him coldly: "Sir, the party is in the central area, and going forward is the ladies' rest area."

There weren't many people around, and the fat man didn't hide himself anymore. His gaze lingered boldly at Qi Ya's fair collarbone, and he coveted, "I have no other intentions, just want to get to know each other."

As he said that, the fat man handed over a business card, and blocked Qi Ya in front of the long table, his eyes still fixed on Qi Ya.

Qi Ya didn't go to pick it up, she took a step back and suddenly felt that she bumped into someone.

Qi Ya was afraid that there would be jackals in front and tigers and leopards in back, so she dodged to one side, but saw the man behind him stretch out his hand, and took the fat man's business card with his slender fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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