e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 566 Why Are You Still Having Someone Pick You Up?Come to your house to do it?

Chapter 566 Why Are You Still Having Someone Pick You Up?Come to your house to do it?
Qi Ya had never seen Xianchen's expression like this.

His jaw line was tense, and he clenched his teeth. Because of Qi Ya's words, his heart was like being tightly entangled by a poisonous snake. The fangs pierced through the flesh and blood in an instant, and the heart was bitten into a blur.

However, amidst the severe pain, that trace of love that could not be concealed was laughing at him unscrupulously, making him understand that in this game, he was actually the one who lost the most.

Xianchen didn't even look at her, turned around and left before the end of the dance music, without the slightest hint of lingering back.

Immediately all eyes were on Qi Ya who was alone.

Xianchen's fury was within her expectation.

Whoever misinterprets the love in his heart into dirty flesh/desire will react like Xianchen.

Qi Ya let out a low "huh", she didn't know whether she hated herself for saying such words like a woman in a red-light district, or she was sad that this relationship was still killed by her own hands after all.

It is a shameful thing to leave a female partner behind at a banquet, but she didn't care about the mocking gazes of these people, and followed her out of the banquet.

When she walked to the door, she realized that Xianchen picked her up today, and there was no driver waiting for her.

She didn't even feel much chill from the cold wind blowing from outside, but the piercing wind stuck to her naked/exposed skin, which made Qi Ya's mind more sober.

She called Secretary Wang, reported her location, and said, "Come and pick me up, please."

It was obviously picked up by Xianchen when he left, and should have been brought back by Xianchen when he came back... But Secretary Wang didn't dare to ask any more questions, "Alright Mr. Qi, I..."

Before Secretary Wang finished speaking, a hand was stretched out from behind Qi Ya, and she took her mobile phone, "No need, I'll take her back."

Secretary Wang realized that it was Xianchen's voice, and choked suddenly. She didn't know what to say, so she could only ask cautiously, "Mr. Qi?"

However, Xianchen hung up the phone directly, staring at Qi Ya, her tone was obviously calm, but every word seemed to be full of tyrannical blood: "Didn't you say something? Why are you asking someone to pick you up? Do you do it at home?"

The makeup on her face at that moment couldn't even conceal her pale complexion, as if she had been slapped in the face in public, and she stood on the platform of shame to accept the insult without any concealment.


Country Y, in the past few days, teams from various countries have basically stayed at the hotel.

The official is generous, almost contracting the entire hotel during the competition to ensure the best experience for the participating teams in terms of basic necessities of life.

The hotel has also become lively these days, especially when going downstairs for dinner, you can meet all kinds of handsome foreign guys.

The players who were originally playing professionally were not particularly old, and the handsome young guy with blond hair and blue eyes was simply eye-catching.

Probably the other teams really didn’t realize that there would still be girls participating in the World Championship, so every time a few PRs went downstairs to eat, plus a substitute Xiao Ruan, Yu Xingchen would always be considered as the team’s support staff .
Part of the schedule of the World Championship has been changed. Please do not enter if you are concerned about party entanglements. After all, I have already mentioned the background at the beginning of this book. In the world in the article, King of Glory has become a national game, with a particularly large number of users. There is a discrepancy between the setting and the reality, and it is just the demand in the text, so don't be too strong a sense of substitution, babies.

(End of this chapter)

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