e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 571 Press Qi Ya on the Sofa and Kiss

Chapter 571 Press Qi Ya on the Sofa and Kiss

Qi Ya was stunned for a moment, she didn't know why she took half a step back, "You..." Didn't leave?
She didn't feel that this sentence was necessary until halfway through, so she didn't continue.

Xianchen: "Let's have breakfast first."

His tone was as if nothing happened last night, and after saying this, he turned and went to the living room.

Xianchen's figure did not block Qi Ya's eyes, so she could feel the decoration of this house more intuitively.

There was a cold atmosphere in the air, and none of the decorations were superfluous, even if the sofa pillows were a little wrinkled, the room would not be as lifeless as it is now.

This is indeed an unusual house, but it should be cleaned well.

In fact, Qi Ya completely misunderstood that aspect, and this was actually the only foothold for Xianchen besides Gu Sijiu and the training base.

This is the house that Gu Sijiu bought for him, but he usually lives in the training base, and he hasn't lived here once.

Qi Ya followed Xianchen's footsteps and walked out: "No need, my company still has something to do, I'll go first."

Xianchen turned her head and glanced at her: "Are you going to wear this to go out?"

This thin shirt was all she had on.

Qi Ya: "Give me the address, and I'll have my secretary deliver it."

Xianchen glanced at Qi Ya's legs under the shirt, and the corners of her lips curled up with a hint of coldness, "After you have a room with someone else, let the male secretary deliver the clothes?"

Qi Ya sat on the sofa, covered her bare/exposed thighs with a pillow, without raising her eyelids, and Xianchen didn't give her the address, so she could only turn on her mobile phone to locate it by herself, "Then you have seen it now."

Xianchen casually took the phone away from her hand, "Let's eat, I'll get someone to buy it for you, and I'll deliver it right away."

Qi Ya frowned, stood up to grab the phone, but was pushed down by Xianchen on the sofa.

The moment Xianchen's face enlarged, it was as if someone had strangled her throat and stopped breathing.

The kiss was menacing and possessive.

The sweetness in the air seems to drip out of water.

In the next second, Qi Ya noticed that Xianchen's hand was moving up the hem of the shirt.

Her heart was pounding, and she pushed Xianchen with all her strength.

Xianchen stood up following her strength, and seeing Qi Ya glaring at him angrily, pulled the hem of his shirt to cover his legs, he smiled a little affectionately: "I've seen it all, there's nothing to hide."

Qi Ya could even feel a rush of heat directly from her chest to her cheeks, she didn't know if it was shyness or shame.

At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly, and Xianchen stood up to open the door, and the bodyguard at the door handed in several clothing bags.

Xianchen closed the door and handed the clothes bag to Qi Ya, "Eat first or change first?"

Qi Ya took the bag, held her breath and walked back to the room without saying a word.

After 10 minutes, she came out fully dressed.

Xianchen has already arranged the dishes and chopsticks. From the tableware, it can be seen that it is the breakfast sent by the hotel. It's just the type of breakfast, and she likes everything.

Qi Ya sat across from Xian Chen and ate quietly, neither of them spoke, only the sound of bowls and chopsticks clashing in the silent restaurant.

The atmosphere between the two was strangely harmonious. No one mentioned what happened just now and last night. If it wasn't for the fact that her body was still so sore, it would have been as if it had never happened.

Qi Ya didn't eat much, when she put down her chopsticks, Xianchen reached out to help her wipe off the residue from the corners of her lips.

That action actually had some warmth in it.
I guess you guys want a car...

I will write when I save more manuscripts for explosive updates. The screenshots of the car are still at the old location. It may take a while, but I will definitely write

(End of this chapter)

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