Chapter 591

On the international platform, Yu Xingshen, a female player, received a lot of attention, and there were also discussions about the other three teams in China.

It has become a habit to discuss KPL, so it is inevitable that many people will compare the records of several teams.

But this is the World Championship, and the three teams from KPL are representing the mainland China competition area. Which team from the KPL competition area is not as good as which one, and which team is not playing as well... Undoubtedly, they are all lead-offs.

At this time, the cohesion of national netizens was unprecedentedly reflected, and all these provocative posts were sprayed to the point of deletion.

So much so that it has always been a very hostile post bar for so many years, and the popular posts on the homepage are actually [In the live broadcast of the match between Pinru team and mod team, the top three are almost crushed by Pinru team] [Analyze the GB team The next trend of the game, whether the traditional style of play can restrain the country Y team].

Those who heard it were weeping and those who saw it were gratified.

The kidnapper team, the next door team and the lone team, these three teams have also experienced at least one game. Although Yu Xingchen and the others don't have time to watch the games of these teams carefully, they still know a little bit about the general situation of the game. .

Gu Jiu's next-door team and Qin Bianyu's kidnappers team have not had any outstanding performances so far, and their points rankings have remained at the middle level. If this trend continues, it seems that it will be really difficult to enter the finals, unless it is the late stage of the competition. Super god possessed.

The lone team did not perform very well in the World Championship this time, and only got two points after playing a round with a Korean team.

I heard that because of the defeat in the World Championships, the fans of the lone team made a fuss on Tieba and Weibo.

Yu Xingchen's impression of this team is still the same as the confrontation in last autumn.

However, during the seasons from S5 to S7, the lone team has always been very strong. The starters in those seasons were really good. Later, it was said that the captain of the lone team was dissatisfied with the club because of the contract dispute, so he retired behind the scenes and became the anchor... Their situation has been declining as one after another veteran players retire.

Yu Xing sighed deeply. Although he didn't see any scandals about his team, he was still quite embarrassed. After all, it was a team from the same competition area, and it could be considered a brother team in the World Championship.

She put away her mobile phone and walked out of the toilet, squeezed the hand sanitizer in the sink and began to wash her hands. After washing, she passed by the men's toilet and suddenly heard Li Chengtai's voice.

"What do you think I came to play for?"

Yu Xingchen's first reaction was to hurry up, so as not to meet him again later, but she only took a step, and stopped abruptly after hearing another person's voice.

"What are you not satisfied with now?"

——It's Gao Li.

Yu Xingshen was curious, and was waiting at the corner of the men's room door, but who knew that a player from an unknown team who was wearing a trouser belt came out suddenly, and when he turned the corner, he almost saw Yu Xingchen sneaking around. Encountering a nymphomaniac, he widened his eyes and yelled, "Oh! Shit!"

Yu Xingchen: "..."

She opened her mouth to explain, but the man was afraid that Yu Xingchen would plot something wrong, so he ran away clutching his crotch in horror.

A few seconds later, he yelled loudly from the lounge: "There's a perv in the men's room!!" (There are female pervs in the men's room!!)
Yu Xingchen: "!!!"

She didn't even listen to what Gao Li and Li Chengtai were saying in the toilet, she hurried over and broke down, "Damn it, don't spread rumors!!"

(End of this chapter)

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