e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 594 For a moment, she wanted to tell the whole story, tell him everything

Chapter 594 For a moment she wanted to tell the whole story and tell him everything
Destiny is like a clockwork gear, even if it can be stopped by external force, it can't change everything that has been doomed for a long time.

Xianchen: "I'm not so shameless that I insist on falling on you."

She could not speak, and she was very pale, as could be seen from the silver plate.

It was so ugly, like a walking corpse, as if it would fall down in the darkness of no one at any time, and slowly rot into a pile of bones.

She didn't want Xianchen to see her like this, so she lowered her head slightly and said to Xianchen, "I'm sorry."

Who is she sorry for...

Xianchen's eyes deepened: "Let's eat, after eating, it's like we've never met before."

He let go so calmly, if it was normal, Qi Ya would definitely be able to hear something strange.

But her mind was muddled, she had just finished chemotherapy injections, and she couldn't even eat the delicious food in front of her, not even taking a bite of her favorite food, foie gras.

But Xianchen thought that Qi Ya wanted to leave quickly.

Just want to stay away from him...

She twitched the corners of her mouth, as if she wanted to laugh, but she didn't quite come out, "Don't eat if you don't want to eat." She helped Qi Ya pour a glass of wine, "Take a sip, and I'll send you back after drinking."

For a moment she wanted to tell the truth, to tell him everything.

But she still couldn't speak out.

So what if I told him, could I lock Xianchen's life on her?
No, that would be too selfish.

She is just a passer-by in Xianchen's life, and there are still dozens of years left in his life, so he can completely forget her.

With such hesitation, Qi Ya already held the wine glass in her hand, raised her head and drank it.

What she didn't notice was that when she raised her head to swallow the wine, Xianchen's knuckles holding the tableware were so hard that they turned dead white.

She put down her wine glass, stood up and wanted to leave, she was afraid that she would see Xianchen if she stayed here again, and soon she didn't even have the courage to leave.

But the loss of force in the next second caused her to fall directly back on the stool, and the wine that she had just swallowed suddenly came out of her mouth with an extremely strong taste, making her dizzy.


She raised her eyes in a daze, and before she could even see Xianchen's face clearly, she lost consciousness and fell down.

She didn't knock on the dining table, Xianchen supported her, stood up and walked around to her side.

Qi Ya sat softly on the stool, with her upper body leaning against Xianchen's chest, like a pair of extremely intimate couples.

The expression on Xianchen's face was gloomy, and his eyes were fixed on a certain void in front of him. It seemed that there was no shock, and everything was as he expected, but his hand holding Qi Ya's shoulder was trembling slightly.

At this moment, the normally restrained emotions surged up like a dense swarm of ants, biting wildly in the bottom of my heart.

He still remembered that the first time he saw Qi Ya, it was not in the Maserati that night, but in a news conference on TV.

Qi Ya was wearing professional attire, facing the camera with exquisite makeup, and still kept witty remarks in the face of the host's sharp questions, elegant conversation and a posture of controlling the overall situation, which was a posture that he could never dream of in his life.

The timing of his meeting with Qi Ya was also very bad. He was hiding from the thugs sent by the usury creditors.

(End of this chapter)

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