Chapter 607

Xianchen picked up one and put it in his mouth, and it spread out in his mouth with the sweetness at that moment, making it almost impossible to swallow.

But with trembling hands, he picked up one after another, swallowing it as if unconscious.

The pastry was obviously sweet, but it didn't satisfy his heart at all.

When he went back at night, he found that there were many missed calls on his mobile phone, from the coach, manager, and teammates.

He hasn't been in the training room for days.

Just as he was about to reply to a message, the phone was out of battery and turned off automatically.

The mobile phone has been kept at home, and he has not even charged it for a few days.

He didn't want to reply to these anymore, he threw his phone on the sofa, opened the refrigerator and took out the wine.

While walking, he kicked the scattered wine bottles on the floor of the living room, making several loud bangs.

The cans and wine bottles in the living room are placed randomly, and they will be bumped every few steps.

Xianchen didn't care about this, and started to feed himself as if he was paralyzed.

In less than a year, he learned to smoke and drink alcohol. Those things that seemed very distant to him before happened to him one by one, but none of them were enough to overwhelm him and tempt him to fall from then on.

Qi Ya's departure became the last straw.

Lying on the bed, he greedily inhaled the remaining smell of her on the pillow, and through the hallucinogenic effect of alcohol, he seemed to think that she had never left.

However, the aura belonging to Qi Ya still faded day by day after she left, and will eventually take away his last thoughts one day.

His fingers moved slightly, and suddenly touched something cold.

He held that thing in front of his eyes, only to realize that it was Qi Ya's ring.

She took nothing, not even him, and just disappeared from his world.


The World Championship is still in full swing, and the PR team is currently ranked fourth, only three points away from the No.3 mod team.

Fans of both teams know about the relationship between mod team and PR team.

One time when Li Chengtai accidentally mentioned the PR team in the live broadcast, he also said: "PR often play training games together when we are training here. I like sister Xingshen very much, but unfortunately she has a boyfriend."

Li Chengtai's wives fainted in the toilet.

——But because of this sentence, the fans of the two parties strangely thought that the relationship between the two teams should be the best.

What a fart!If it wasn't for the World Championships, they probably wouldn't meet in their entire lives!

Yu Xingchen could not wait to make a Bodhisattva into a screensaver and put it on the bedside, worshiping every day--pray that they will stay in the Korean competition area with peace of mind in the next World Championship, and don't qualify.

Because during this period of time, Li Chengtai himself and topics related to him often appeared in front of their eyes, and every time they did, her man's face turned dark.

Yu Xingchen even thought that if he hadn't been suspended during the game, Gu Xishen might have killed him.

Even so, the game still has to be played.

"Gao Li, your phone number."

Yu Xingshen handed the mobile phone on the table to Gao Li, and accidentally caught a glimpse of the incoming call reminder on it.

Li Chengtai.

Yu Xingchen asked casually: "Why is this dog calling you?"

Gao Li hangs up nervously and quickly, even Yu Xingchen didn't react.

He said: "Yes, it must be a wrong number. It's not like you don't know that he often came to check his presence during this time. He asked me to ask you to come out for dinner several times. Yu Shen, didn't you receive his call? "

(End of this chapter)

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