The No. 1 Men's Clothing Leader in National Clothing

Chapter 14 I have some thoughts about their team

Chapter 14 I have some thoughts about their team (1)

Xia Qianhan opened the points qualifying match alone again, and when he heard Luo Xia's words, his hands that clicked skills on the keyboard suddenly paused.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Xia Qianhan frowned slightly, his face becoming more serious.

Luo Xia picked up the coffee next to him and took a sip, then raised his eyebrows, "I have almost learned all the courses of my university in the United States, and I am idle every day, why don't I find something for myself to do."

Hearing this, Xia Qianhan snorted twice, glanced at Luo Xia, and said with a smirk: "Do you believe what you said? Why are you pretending to be serious, I don't know you yet."

After a pause, Xia Qianhan said again: "Take your thoughts away, if you dare to look at that kid from the Wen family, I'll kill him first and then you."

Hearing this, Luo Xia raised the corners of her lips, her eyes were scorching hot from the light reflection, she said flatly: "Why? I've always been only interested in long-legged girls, I just have some thoughts about their team."

Regarding this, Xia Qianhan looked at Luo Xia for a few more seconds, and saw that her appearance did not look fake, so she pursed her lips, "This time when I return to the capital, I plan to inspect their team first. According to the existing information, this team has not been established for a long time, but there are still a few elites, such as the Wen family boy you mentioned, who is considered one of the best swordsman players in China."

"However, because of the short establishment time, it can be seen that they have a lot of loopholes, and the sense of teamwork is not very strong. What's more, the mage who has been cooperating with Wen Xun for a while ago suddenly left, so the score made by our captain is also Not very clear." Xia Qianhan gave Luo Xia a rational analysis of the current situation of RY79.

Rorschach rested his chin with his hand, and nodded slightly, as if he understood.

Xia Qianhan finally typed a few times on the keyboard, and the word "victory" jumped out on the screen, and Xia Qianhan closed the laptop directly.

Immediately, Xia Qianhan slumped on the back of the sofa and said, "However, if you really want to find a professional team to play with, RY79 is also a good choice."

Luo Xia was slightly stunned, and turned his head without knowing why, "Why?"

Xia Qianhan casually picked up Luo Xia's cup and planned to drink coffee. The next second, the cup was snatched back by Luo Xia before it touched his mouth. In desperation, Xia Qianhan had no choice but to explain to her first. : "RY79 is a well-known wealthy team. Needless to say, the Wen family boy, Wei Fanxi is the son of a gambling king. He grew up with a golden key in his mouth. If you can get in..."

Speaking of this, Xia Qianhan snorted coldly, intentionally whetting Luo Xia's appetite, and still fixed her eyes on the coffee in Luo Xia's hand.

Luo Xia was indeed seduced by Xia Qianhan's words, and wanted to hear what Xia Qianhan was going to say, so he hesitated and handed over the coffee.

Immediately, Xia Qianhan who got the coffee smiled triumphantly, "If you can get in, your eldest brother and I won't have to worry about you not getting married anymore haha..."

Hearing this, Luo Xia's face darkened immediately, and without a word, he smashed the pillow in his arms on Xia Qianhan's face, then got up, and went back to the bedroom without looking back.

She should have thought of it earlier, what kind of serious words can Xia Qianhan spit out?

The moonlight is very clear tonight, without the usual vague sense of alienation.

In the RY79 base, Wen Xun was sitting in front of the computer. Although he was holding the company documents in his hand, he was staring intently at a bunch of key chains on the table.

The decoration of this key chain is very simple, and the keys are just two.

But Wen Xun looked at the key chain, his cold eyes almost digging a hole in it.

I don't know when it started just now, but Rorschach's winking eyes are always in his mind. This kind of feeling not only makes him dislike Rorschach, but also resents himself.

But thinking back carefully, he was teased and provoked by a man just now, and he should tear him into pieces for such a thing, so as to live up to his title of young master Wen.

After looking at it for a long time, Wen Xun found that there was a conspicuous "L" decoration on the key chain, which made him even more impatient, because the letter L was not a good letter in his eyes.

When Jiang Lang came in, what he saw was his boss staring at a key chain that could overflow with sparks.

Regarding this, Jiang Lang paused, glanced at the key chain, and was a little surprised: "Oh, whose key is this, and it belongs to a Beijing university student?"

Wen Xun's eyes moved slightly, he looked at Jiang Lang, and raised his eyebrows indifferently: "How do you know this is a student's key?"

Jiang Lang stepped forward, pointed to the obvious white "Jing" character on the head of the key, and said, "This is the key sign of the student apartment outside the Peking University, and it is probably around the Peking University."

Looking at the "Jing" that Jiang Lang pointed to, Wen Xun's eyes darkened a little, and he fell silent.

When Jiang Lang caught the expression on his face, he suddenly thought of something, and opened his eyes wide: "You can't be hooked up with the elementary school girl from Beijing University, right? You even have the key?"

Wen Xun glanced at Jiang Lang coldly, and said in a cold tone, "How's the matter with the anchor?"

The title of "that anchor" made Jiang Lang a little speechless. He is also a bigwig with millions of fans, so it is somewhat disrespectful to call him so casual.

Thinking about it, Jiang Lang was just about to speak, but before he could say it, Wen Xun rushed to name him and said: "If you have time, go to the places near Beijing University."

Jiang Lang was stunned by what he said. He didn't understand the connection between Wen Xun's two topics. Just about to ask "why", he suddenly glanced at the bunch of keys, as if he knew something: "This can't be..."

Wen Xun interrupted him indifferently again: "That host's."


The next day is Sunday.

Luo Xia came to the computer city, planning to change the equipment again.

In fact, as a hacker, she is not short of computers, but the changes in the server and Internet system after returning to China have made her all-American system a bit unbearable.

The laptop, as a carry-on, is also an extremely important thing for her, and it must be well equipped in case of emergencies.

Luo Xia entered a shop with a lot of traffic. The shop had a very wide front. There were two young girls at the front desk, staring at the big screen on the wall.

It was the first time that Luo Xia, who looked so romantic, was ignored by female compatriots.

Luo Xia put his hand in his coat pocket, followed the gaze of the girl at the front desk to look at the big screen with his pretty eyes, and was soon attracted by a string of IDs with flashing red lights.

She was so familiar with that ID, it was the Master Wen who had just learned last night.

Rorschach habitually put his mask down and watched the game seriously.

This was an exhibition match of the MW League that RY79 just played not long ago. Although it was an exhibition match, there was something warm about it, which was very eye-catching.

(End of this chapter)

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