my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1 Blame the Neighbors.

Chapter 1 Blame the Neighbors.

Boyue Prefecture District.

Building 8.

At the elevator door, Mo Xiaotong carried his luggage and pressed the button to go upstairs.

She just rented a suite from an intermediary company, located in room 12 on the 1201th floor of this building.

The elevator slowly ascends from the garage on the -1st floor.

On the first floor, the door opened, Mo Xiaotong looked up and saw a man inside.

No, it's not appropriate to say that it's a man, it looks like a big boy under twenty.

He was tall and thin, with his hands in his pockets, and his facial features were exceptionally cold and handsome, but those dark eyes seemed to contain a glacier-like coldness, faintly repulsive.

Wow, so handsome.

Mo Xiaotong knew that there was a high school nearby, and many high school students lived in rented houses.

Could this guy be one of them?
Mo Xiaotong was in a trance for a few seconds.

However, although he was quite pleasing to the eye, out of politeness, she just glanced over him slightly, nodded to him as a compliment, and then entered the elevator with her luggage.

When she stretched out her hand to press the button for the 12th floor, she unexpectedly found that it was on.

12th floor?
It's on the same floor as the house I just rented...

Mo Xiaotong withdrew his hand, and quietly glanced at the boy's reflection in the elevator from the corner of his eye—could this handsome guy be her neighbor?
1, 2, 3...

The elevator goes up.

When we were about to reach the 12th floor, the elevator lights suddenly went out for a moment.

Mo Xiaotong was so frightened that the hairs all over his body exploded, but then the light came back on again.

It is estimated that there is a little bad connection.

The elevator door opened, Mo Xiaotong walked out with the luggage first, took out the key given by the landlord and inserted it, ready to open the door.

Then the boy's footsteps sounded.


But it stopped behind her.


There was dead silence all around.

Mo Xiaotong's heartbeat suddenly became uncontrollable like a wild horse running wild, and the key inserted in the door lock also forgot to turn.

She looked back slowly.

They met the boy's cold and deep eyes.

The boy looked at her, his pretty thin lips parted slightly.

The low, magnetic voice echoed in the corridor, as if it came from the deep, deep darkness.

"Move away immediately, this place is not suitable for you."

He said such an inexplicable sentence.

Mo Xiaotong couldn't help asking: "What do you mean?"

But he stopped talking, and just looked at Mo Xiaotong indifferently, as if looking at a dead person, then turned and walked towards 1202 opposite.

What a weirdo.

Inexplicable, scary.

He looks so handsome.

Mo Xiaotong opened the door of 1201 while complaining, then found the light switch, turned on the light, put down his luggage, stood in the living room and looked around the new house with satisfaction.

One bedroom, one living room, complete furniture and home appliances, spotless cleaning, new decoration, and the pastoral romantic style in pink and blue tones, especially suitable for women to live in.

At this moment, she had already forgotten what the handsome guy said just now.

Hehe, she felt lucky to be able to rent this house.

Her hometown is in W City, and she just turned 23 this year. She graduated from the psychology department of a third-rate university, and she is unemployed upon graduation.

A few days ago, a best friend of hers in college called and said that she had found a job for her in City H. She was quite leisurely, working as a psychological counselor in a high school, and also doing some simple jobs.If you do well, you can transfer to the official establishment and become an official teacher in the future.

Of course, the salary is not high, more than 4000, including two meals but not housing.

But for Mo Xiaotong who has been eating for more than half a year, how can he have the right to dislike him.Moreover, she has two days off a week, winter and summer vacations every year, and she doesn't need to be exposed to the wind and sun to work in an office, and she is also professionally matched.

Under the introduction of my best friend, the interview was just a formality and passed quickly.Because Mo Xiaotong arrived here for the first time, the school gave her a few days to deal with personal affairs, and asked her to go to work again next Monday.

The first thing, of course, is to solve the housing problem.

The best friend asked Mo Xiaotong to live with her, but the best friend is living with her boyfriend, Mo Xiaotong is not willing to be cheeky to be a light bulb, and decides to rent a house by himself.

It coincides with the start of the school season, and the small apartments nearby have been rented out by some students early.Mo Xiaotong searched for a few days, and finally saw this house in an agency. It was very close to the school where she was going to work, and the neighborhood was quiet.

Under Mo Xiaotong’s bargaining, the rent is only 750 yuan a month, which is a quarter cheaper than the rent of the same class, but the landlord has a condition that he must pay the whole year’s rent in one lump sum plus a deposit of 3 months. In addition, it is stated in the contract that the rent and deposit will not be refunded to those who violate the contract.

Mo Xiaotong spent all the savings he brought, and borrowed some extra money from his best friend, and then paid the money in one lump sum, signed the contract and got the key.

After putting away his luggage, Mo Xiaotong turned around and went out again, intending to go to a nearby supermarket to buy some daily necessities.

Back from the supermarket.When she walked downstairs with big bags and small bags, suddenly, Mo Xiaotong seemed to see a black shadow passing by, and when she looked carefully, it turned out to be a cat, not far behind her.

This cat is pure black, thin and small, with two blue eyes staring at Mo Xiaotong without fear, meowing.

Mo Xiaotong likes small animals, especially cats.

She found a ham sausage from the bag, unpacked it and put it on the ground, and said with a smile, "Hungry? Eat it."

After doing this, Mo Xiaotong stood up, carried his things and continued to walk forward.

But the black cat ignored the ham sausage, and followed behind her, staring at Mo Xiaotong's back with faint eyes.

Mo Xiaotong seemed to be aware of it, but when he looked back, he found that it had disappeared at some point.

run away.

Mo Xiaotong didn't care, and took the elevator upstairs. When he was on the 12th floor, the elevator lights flickered for a while.

This time she was mentally prepared, but she was not frightened.

Go back to 1201, start to clean up, clean up, put things in categories...

"Ah! It's almost done at last!"

Two hours later, Mo Xiaotong sat with his hands on his hips, looking at the fruits of his labor with satisfaction.


Warm water poured out from under the shower head.

"I love to take a shower for a good skin..."

"What is that?" After washing and cleaning, Mo Xiaotong suddenly found a few strands of long black hair in the drain, the length almost reached her waist, and Mo Xiaotong's hair just reached her shoulders. Obviously not hers.

Is it because the last resident didn't clean up?

Mo Xiaotong carefully picked out these hairs and cleaned them up.went to bed.Perhaps because of the unfamiliar environment, I slept extremely restlessly all night.

Half asleep and half awake, I always heard the meowing of cats echoing faintly in my ears.Meowing, mournful, like the cry of a baby.

But when she opened her eyes, the meowing sound disappeared again, and the night was silent, as if everything was just an illusion.

After tossing and tossing Mo Xiaotong all night, she didn't really fall asleep until dawn.
Notes about this book:

This book is not a brainless slap in the face, not a CEO ghost!
It depends on the glamorous, domineering, calm and decisive female protagonist here. The female protagonist is an ordinary person around us. Knows how to kill and pull Batian decisively, and doesn't slap slaps in the face to abuse scum, and is particularly shy when encountering ghosts, a bit silly and sweet.Generally speaking, it is just a salted fish, occasionally turning over, but most of the time, it is still a salted fish...

The male protagonist is not a domineering president, nor a ghost king of Pluto, but a cold and sullen otaku zombie who lives in human society like ordinary people.

In addition, if you think the book is not to your liking, just go to the upper right corner.If we get together, we will get together or we will separate. Please don’t leave comments and don’t point fingers, especially for the hero and heroine. As long as I see this kind of message, I will delete it. Then don’t think I’m too much, because the hero and heroine are my own children. , you say they are not good, as a real mother, I will definitely be angry, right?

(End of this chapter)

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