my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 100 Chapter 100101: Send me home

Chapter 100 Chapter 100~101: Take me home
A certain brand clothing counter.


The female shopping guide bent down slightly, while secretly sizing up the customers who just came in.

Although she knew it was rude, she couldn't help it.

Who told the man in front of him to be so good-looking.

His demeanor was slightly cold, but he didn't look too aggressive. He was tall and perfectly proportioned, with handsome features and a noble air.

It's really her favorite type.

It's a pity that he looks much younger than her.And if you come to a women's underwear store to buy underwear, you probably already have someone.

Anyone who can come to buy [positive energy] underwear for his girlfriend is a top-notch man.

I don't know what kind of woman can be worthy of him.

The 26-year-old female shopping guide thought regretfully.

Of course, there is also a kind of man who comes to underwear stores, that is, someone who has a certain strange hobby for underwear.

But no one would associate such a good-looking man in front of him with that kind of person.

Shen Donghe said blankly: "Buy [positive energy] underwear."

"What size do you want?"

"Wen [positive energy] chest size 34a, trousers size 160." Shen Donghe took out a piece of paper Mo Xiaotong wrote to him, glanced at it, and then said.

"Then which one do you want, and what color?"

Shen Donghe was taken aback, this Mo Xiaotong didn't explain.

Do colors and styles matter?

Women should care about this.

However, his eyes only glanced at the store quickly, and immediately said with a slight flush on his cheeks: "Whatever you want, you can wear it in your 20s."

"Well, take a look at these models, they are all new this season." The shopping guide took out a few models and enthusiastically sold them.

"Don't look at it, it's all wrapped up."

Shen Donghe grabbed the packing bag brought by the shopping guide, then paid with his card very neatly, and left as if escaping.

What a night!

Mo Xiaotong was lying on Shen Donghe's big bed, rolling all over the bed.

Wahahahaha, to be able to climb into Shen Donghe's bed, isn't this her ultimate dream?

Hugging Shen Donghe's pillow and smelling it, and then sniffing under the quilt, Mo Xiaotong is so beautiful that he is about to fly into the sky.

There was a door opening outside.

Mo Xiaotong hurriedly got out of the quilt and sat down solemnly.

"You're back," she said.

Shen Donghe who walked in gave her a hum, and handed her two packaging bags.

Mo Xiaotong took it, took it apart, looked at it, and said in surprise: "Wow, there are so many sets."

In one of the bags, there are four [Positive Energy] underwear suits of different styles and colors.

Another larger bag contained a set of black women's sportswear.

Shen Donghe said, "You didn't mention the color and style."

So I bought them all, and then bought a set of women's clothes, after all, it didn't fit him well.

"You are so careful. They are all beautiful. How much does it cost?" Mo Xiaotong was startled when he opened the price tag.

A set of [Positive Energy] underwear is almost four figures, and that set of sportswear costs more than 1000 and nearly [-].

"Oh, they're doing an event with a [-]% discount."

Mo Xiaotong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's such a good deal, do you have a shopping receipt, so I can pay you back next time."

Shen Donghe put his hands in his pockets, glanced at her, and said, "No, I forgot to take it."

Mo Xiaotong said: "Then I'll keep the price tag, it's all [-]% off, right?"

"I'm going to take a shower and change clothes." Mo Xiaotong picked up the sportswear and a set of [positive energy] underwear, and walked to the door of the bathroom. When he was about to open the door, he suddenly remembered something, turned around and looked at Shen Donghe , asked shyly:
"By the way, you didn't do anything to these clothes, did you?"

What to do with these clothes?
Shen Donghe looked at Mo Xiaotong suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

Glancing at him quickly, Mo Xiaotong said shyly:
"Like fantasizing about what I would wear..."

At this moment, Shen Donghe wanted to kill Mo Xiaotong.

Seeing Shen Donghe's frighteningly cold face, Mo Xiaotong hastily left a sentence and hurried into the bathroom:
"Don't be angry, I'm kidding, I'm going to take a shower and bye."


When the bathroom door closed, Shen Donghe, who had been tense all this time, finally relaxed a little.

He who has never been afraid in the face of a formidable opponent has been nervous countless times tonight.

All thanks to this woman.

Shen Donghe felt that if time went back, maybe he would just choose to open and close his eyes and let her drown.

He took out a book and just sat down when the woman's voice came from the bathroom again.

"Doctor Shen, I don't have a towel, can I use your bath towel?"

Rubbing between his brows, Shen Donghe sighed, and said weakly:

"... Use it."

Then he put down the book and glanced at the water-stained and messy bed that looked like it had been hit by a storm. The clean freak only felt his head hurt even more.

Put down the book and start changing sheets, cushions, blankets, pillows...

After he finished everything, Mo Xiaotong came out of the bathroom while wiping his hair.

Just after taking a bath, her fair cheeks were soaked in a layer of light pink, delicate and tender, and looked brighter and more attractive than usual.

She wore a pair of Shen Donghe's slippers, and because they were a little too big, she stomped when she walked.

Go to the chair and sit down, and ask, "Excuse me, is there a hair dryer?"

Shen Donghe silently found a hair dryer for her.


While blowing his hair, Mo Xiaotong asked, "How is that kid today?"

Shen Donghe flipped through the book without raising his head: "I killed it."

Although he had expected this result, Mo Xiaotong still had a gloomy look in his eyes.

That little boy should have accidentally died in that icy water tank while playing hide-and-seek with someone, but he has never been noticed, right?

His family must have searched everywhere, but they couldn't find him.

And when he fell into the water tank, he must have hoped that someone would find him and save him.

How painful and desperate it must be before being drowned alive.

It was dark, cold, and wet there.

For a child, it's scary as hell.

Mo Xiaotong Guang recalled his own discomfort at that time, and he couldn't feel much hatred for that little ghost.

I'll check the Internet tomorrow and I should be able to find some clues.

Then hand it over to the police.

Late, 10:30.

"Doctor Shen, I'm leaving. Thank you so much for today." Mo Xiaotong stood at the door of 1202 with her things and said to Shen Donghe.

Shen Donghe closed the door with a straight face.

"Ah, this zombie is really rude." Mo Xiaotong pouted and complained, then suddenly laughed again.

It's not rude, it's probably because she's too thin-skinned and shy again.

Wu Liuliu rolled his eyes, Mo Xiaotong didn't leave, but knocked on the door again.

The door didn't open.

Mo Xiaotong was not in a hurry, nor continued to knock, but waited slowly at the door.

After a long time, the door opened.

Shen Donghe said with a cold face: "What else do you need?"

"It's so late, it's not safe for me to go back alone. As a man, shouldn't you send me off?" Mo Xiaotong said seriously.

 Suddenly realized that I was a waste of titles...

  Ask for a recommendation ticket again every day.


(End of this chapter)

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