my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1011 Attacked

Chapter 1011 Attacked

Shen Donghe opened the door of the theater, and the flames rushed out.

Mo Xiaotong and Shen Donghe rushed in. There were flames everywhere. The ground, ceiling, and walls were all on fire.

Moreover, there are a large number of plastic products here, which emit toxic smoke when burned. Coupled with the cramped space, these smoke cannot be emitted at all, and all of them are concentrated inside.

Ordinary people will suffocate after staying for less than 3 minutes. If the highly toxic smoke is too thick, only a few breaths can take a life away.

Among the people killed at the scene of a fire, many more people are often killed by smoke than by fire.

Mo Xiaotong saw that Shen Donghe had grabbed two semi-conscious people and rushed out of the auditorium. She saw a petite figure in the aisle, lying on the ground coughing violently, obviously unable to get up.

"Don't be afraid, I'll save you..." Mo Xiaotong hurried over and reached out to hug him.

However, her hand just touched the man.

"Go to hell!" The man suddenly growled, her face could not be seen clearly in the thick smoke, but the voice was surprisingly familiar.

Who is it?
Before Mo Xiaotong could react, the opponent's arm suddenly moved, and something was pulled out from under her body, and then a bright light came into her eyes.

It was a sharp knife.

Very sharp, stabbing straight at her neck.

At this moment, the blood in Mo Xiaotong's body almost froze into ice.

At this time, it is too late for any fixed body talisman.

But she has always been able to move much faster than her brain, so she immediately dodged the knife on the side of her body with conditioned reflex!

Then, a hand reached out, grabbed the opponent's arm, and twisted it hard!

It was the sound of a dislocated arm.

Dang bang.

This is the sound of a sharp knife falling to the ground.

Shen Donghe looked at Mo Xiaotong with a nervous expression: "Are you all right?"

Mo Xiaotong shook his head, looked at him and smiled slightly: "I'm not hurt."

Shen Donghe was also concerned and confused, the knife didn't even touch her, how could she be injured.

Seeing that she was fine, Shen Donghe felt relieved.

"You are..." Then, Mo Xiaotong finally saw the appearance of the person who attacked her, and was slightly startled. After a long time, he spit out the name of the person.

"Huo Xing?"

In the fire scene, the person who pretended to be dying and wanted to kill Mo Xiaotong turned out to be Huo Xing, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.It was the Huo Xing who followed the Tanlang Star Lord back then.

Huo Xing saw Mo Xiaotong and Shen Donghe, the light in his eyes was undisguised resentment, and there was an inaudible grunt in his throat.

If eyes could kill, they would probably have been stared to death by her thousands of times.

She slowly said: "...Why is this so, you can hide from it?" There was undisguised despair in her words.

"You set the fire?" Mo Xiaotong suddenly understood. "Are you here to take advantage of the chaos and kill me, to avenge Star Lord Greedy Wolf?"

Huoxing must have known that the greedy wolf star master was dead, so she came here for revenge.

"That's right...Back then, Ling Xing was devoured by the nightmare, and now the Star Lord died at your hands... The deaths of the two most important people in my life, traced back to the source, are all related to you."

Huoxing gritted his teeth, and looked at Mo Xiaotong resentfully: "So, I will kill you and make Shen Donghe suffer for the rest of his life!"

As for Shen Donghe, Huoxing felt that his strength was too far behind, and never thought of the possibility of killing him.

In her opinion, as long as Mo Xiaotong is killed, Shen Donghe will naturally suffer more than death.

(End of this chapter)

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