my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1062 New Year (9)

Chapter 1062 New Year (9)

After adding Guo Dan's WeChat account, I transferred the account to her.

"Okay, that's it." Mo Xiaotong smiled, "I won't play anymore."

She also noticed that there was something wrong with Guo Dan's card shuffling technique in the previous game.

However, it was only 3000 yuan, and she didn't bother to haggle with her.

But she is also not interested in continuing to be taken advantage of.

But she was willing to give in, but Guo Dan was unwilling to accept it as soon as it was good.

She looked at Mo Xiaotong and said with a smile: "Cousin, you are too disappointing, why don't you play after playing for a while?"

"Hehe." Mo Xiaotong laughed. "I don't want to play anymore."

Guo Mei said: "Is it because you lost the money and feel uncomfortable? My cousin and husband haven't said anything, what are you afraid of!"

Mo Xiaotong smiled lazily. "No, I just don't want to play."

Guo Dan couldn't help but sneer in his tone: "If you can't afford to lose, you can't afford to lose. What excuses are you looking for..."

Guo Mei also disdainfully said: "That's right, it's only 3000 yuan, it looks like it hurts you!"

Mo Xiaotong finally raised his eyebrows: "I'm just worried that if you play again, you guys won't be able to afford to lose!"

"Don't worry, no matter how much I lose, I will still bet!" Guo Dan said, laughing at Mo Xiaotong in his heart.

If you can win one out of ten, I will consider you lucky!
"Okay." Mo Xiaotong said reluctantly, "Then play a few more games..."

When Guo Dan saw Mo Xiaotong nodding, he hurriedly began to shuffle the cards.

Dealing ends.

Guo Dan couldn't help smiling when he saw the cards in his hand: 3 2s, a pair of Aces, 1010JJQQ, a 7 bomb, and the last pair of 4s.

Although she didn't shuffle a pair of ghosts into her hand as she expected, anyone who knows how to play Doudizhu knows that this card is already very good, and the double chance of winning is very high.

This time, it was Mo Xiaotong's turn to choose whether to call him a landlord or not.

But Guo Dan thinks this is better.

If Mo Xiaotong chooses to call the landlord, she will rob the landlord. In this case, the bet can be doubled, and if the bomb is added, it will be quadrupled.

Sure enough, Mo Xiaotong looked at the cards in his hand and said with a smile, "I want to be the landlord."

Guo Dan immediately said: "I want to rob the landlord!"

Guo Mei sighed: "My cards are not good, so I won't compete with you!"

Hearing that Guo Dan chose to rob the landlord, Mo Xiaotong really showed a trace of hesitation in his expression.

Guo Dan pretended to be kind and persuaded: "Let me be the landlord, otherwise, if you snatch it again, you will lose four times!" But he said in his heart: grab it, grab it!In this way, you will lose eight times!

Sure enough, Mo Xiaotong glared at her, and said with some anger, "Hmph, the more you say that, the less I believe in evil! I want to snatch it!"

Because the rule is that each person can only grab the landlord once, Guo Dan couldn't continue to raise, so he let Mo Xiaotong take three hole cards.

These three cards are "3", "8", and "9".

Guo Dan couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

All four 4s are in her hands, and the 7, 3, and 9 can't even form a straight. It must be a bunch of miscellaneous cards in Mo Xiaotong's hands now.Fortunately, she is not a landlord herself, otherwise these few cards would be of no use to her.

She was happy in her heart, and the smile on her face showed contemptuous complacency, and she said to Mo Xiaotong: "Okay, let's play the cards!"

Mo Xiaotong drew out two cards, but refused to put them down for a long time, and asked Shen Donghe hesitantly: "Husband, can I play this one?"

Shen Donghe smiled and said, "It's up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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