my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1066 New Year (13)

Chapter 1066 New Year (13)

Shen Donghe finally spoke, and he asked, "What are you looking at?"

Mo Xiaotong said: "You shouldn't ask me what I'm watching, you should ask me what I'm thinking."

Shen Donghe: "...what are you thinking?"

Mo Xiaotong chuckled: "I want to fulfill my New Year's wish."


After midnight, the sound of fireworks and firecrackers rang out one after another. At the same time, the heat generated after the double cultivation began to flow slowly in their bodies.

After the clouds dispersed and the rain rested, Mo Xiaotong put his arms around Shen Donghe's waist, leaned his head on Shen Donghe's chest, sighed softly, and called: "Shen Donghe..."

Shen Donghe stretched out his hand and gently stroked her hair: "I'm here."

Mo Xiaotong raised his head, blinked those blurry eyes that had not completely faded away, and stared at Shen Donghe: "It's a new year..."

At this moment, it symbolizes the past, the present, and the future.

He, by her side.

The most beautiful thing in the world is that the volume of the earphones is just enough to cover the outside noise, you just wake up naturally when the alarm clock rings, you just bring an umbrella on a rainy day, you just happen to be able to eat when you are hungry, and you just happen to have a bed next to you when you are sleepy. When you are sad, someone happens to be free, and the person you love happens to love you too...

Also, when you turn around and look up, he just happens to be by your side.


Looking at the fireworks outside, Mo Xiaotong suddenly became very excited and said, "Honey, take me up there, shall we watch the fireworks?"

Shen Donghe smiled: "Okay."

After the two got dressed, Shen Donghe hugged her, and teleported to the sky.

Mo Xiaotong looked at the fireworks blooming all over the sky below him, each blossoming brightly and enthusiastically.Some hang down thousands of orange petals, like a blooming chrysanthemum, some burst into bloom, like a beautiful meteor shower, and some cascade straight down for nine days, like a shining waterfall...

Mo Xiaotong was dazzled, clapped his hands and exclaimed: "It's so beautiful!"

Then, she said regretfully: "I like fireworks the most. It's a pity, it's a pity. Ever since something happened when I was a child, my parents never let me touch fireworks and firecrackers anymore!"

Shen Donghe asked: "What's the matter?"

Mo Xiaotong said: "When I was young, I accompanied my mother back to her hometown in the countryside to celebrate the New Year. Her hometown is an old house in the countryside, and the toilet is that old-fashioned latrine. kind of..."

Shen Donghe nodded and said, "I know."

Mo Xiaotong said: "In the end, when my grandfather went to squat in the pit, I accidentally threw a lighted spring thunder cannon into it, and it exploded my grandfather's ass!"

Shen Donghe: "..."

Can you be careful?

I'm afraid it was intentional...

Mo Xiaotong continued with a resentful expression on his face: "Then my mother beat my ass to the point of shit, and punished me to kneel all night. The most annoying thing is, she never allowed me to play with fireworks and firecrackers anymore."

Shen Donghe continued: "..."

In his opinion, this is really a tasteful and sad story!

It wasn't until two or three o'clock in the morning that the fireworks and firecrackers were scattered.

After the two returned to the room.

Mo Xiaotong suddenly asked Shen Donghe again: "By the way, what about the lucky money you gave me?"

(End of this chapter)

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