my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1092: The Journey of Nine Netherworlds (9)

Chapter 1092 Journey to Nine Netherworlds (18)

Sure enough, there were a few rather large gray-brown mushrooms beside the root of a tree. Shen Donghe walked over, picked one and looked it over: "It's not poisonous, you can eat it."

Even if it is poisonous, it is not a problem for them.

Mo Xiaotong felt relieved, and happily said: "Look again to see if there is any more, let's cook soup together, I like mushrooms the most."

As she spoke, she used her soul consciousness to explore the depths of the island, looking for mushrooms.

Sure enough, she saw some mushrooms in the depths.

But at the next moment, Mo Xiaotong gasped and said, "There is actually a phantom array inside!"

In the depths of such a desolate island, there actually exists a phantom barrier.This enchantment cuts off the glance of the soul from the outside, but it is extremely clever, monsters of ordinary strength can't even notice anything strange!

Quirky and problematic.

"Let's go take a look? Maybe there's something interesting inside?" Mo Xiaotong raised his face and looked at Shen Donghe eagerly with uncontrollable curiosity.

Naturally, Shen Donghe would not ignore her intentions, and the two of them teleported to the outer edge of the phantom formation with one movement.

"What a powerful phantom array!"

This phantom array is not simple, even Mo Xiaotong can't see through it all with "Mirror Flowers, Water Moon", only a small part.

Shen Donghe carefully broke the illusion barrier, and then the two walked in carefully along the broken place.

After walking a few steps, the two suddenly heard someone talking at the same time.

"Chi Ying, I have already set up an enchantment with 'mirage', so that no one here will notice, and no one will disturb you and me."

It was a woman's voice, mellow and sweet, slightly hoarse, magnetic, but with a condescending majesty.


who is it?

Mo Xiaotong's eyes widened, his first reaction was to cover up her and Shen Donghe's figure with "Mirror Flower, Water Moon", and then walked a few steps in the direction of the voice.

Just these few steps, she saw a strange sight.

In the forest, there is a black whole body, which looks a bit like a boa constrictor, but it has two claws.Some are like the legendary dragons, but they have smooth long tails like snakes, and there are huge monsters with bare heads on top of their heads.

"Baby, what kind of monster is this..." Mo Xiaotong quietly transmitted voice to Shen Donghe.

Shen Dong congratulated: "It should be Jiao."

"The legendary dragon?" Mo Xiaotong was taken aback.

"No, it hasn't reached the realm of the dragon yet. After the intercourse between the real dragon and the snake and the python, the first generation of descendants born is the dragon, but this dragon is obviously the blood of the dragon and has been diluted many times. The blood of the real dragon in the body It is already quite weak, mainly the blood of snakes and pythons, so it can barely be counted as a dragon."

Is it what you were talking about just now?
Or is there another monster?

Mo Xiaotong was curious when he suddenly saw a beautiful figure of a woman in fiery red neon clothes standing beside the red flood dragon.

It's just that the red flood dragon's body is too huge and stalwart, making the other party extremely exquisite and petite.That's why Mo Xiaotong didn't see her immediately.

That woman is a stunning beauty, her skin is like snow, a little red cinnabar mole on her forehead, like a red plum blossom in the snow, her willow eyebrows are lightly raised, her eyes are black and bright, shining like the most beautiful gemstones.The cloud-like green silk is tied into a double ring bun, with a red gold headdress inlaid with rubies, but there are two jade-white dragon horns on the top of the head.

He is radiant, bright and moving, his eyes are flowing, and his gaze is shining.

(End of this chapter)

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