my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1236 Kill anyone who dares to stop!

Chapter 1236 Kill anyone who dares to stop!
When did it start?

Win Gou's eyes were deep in thought.

Is it because of the influence of the clone's memory?


If he had known this earlier, he should have directly sealed off the clone's memory.

If he knew this earlier, he shouldn't have provoked this woman in the first place.

If he knew this earlier, he shouldn't have been entangled with her for so long with a game mentality.

I knew so...

There would be no such beginning.

But in this world, how can there be so many people who "knew it earlier"!
Yinggou sat there with his head slightly lowered, his fingers resting on his forehead, his face was hidden in the darkness, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

After an unknown amount of time, he raised his head.

The thin lips were pursed slightly, and the gloomy eyes seemed to drip water.

"I want her."

"Anyone who dares to hinder, kill them all. What kind of heaven, what kind of black turtle long as you hinder me, you will definitely not let it go."

The cold voice echoed.

He has made up his mind.

Since he wanted her, he no longer hesitated.

Whoever blocks it will be killed!
Winning the hook no longer hesitated, and flew directly into the sky.

He looked around, his voice turned into a rolling sound wave, and the vibration was transmitted.

"Heavenly Dao!"

"This seat is here, if you want to deal with this seat, come out immediately! Otherwise, this seat will destroy the whole world!"

After he finished his sentence, the void was silent.

But, gradually, a figure with flying gray hair emerged.

The boy of Tiandao stood with his hands behind his back, appearing hundreds of meters away from Yinggou.

Behind him, there are circles of void circles symbolizing the power of order, slowly rotating.

"Heaven, the information about Mo Xiaotong in the human media must be your means." Ying Gou looked at him coldly.

"That's right." The Tiandao boy nodded calmly.

Win narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough.

It seems that if Tiandao and those guys are not dealt with, it will be difficult for him to keep Mo Xiaotong by his side.

Yinggou's red eyes sank slightly, and he said coldly: "Heavenly Dao, I give you two choices."

"One, if you don't meddle in the affairs between me and Mo Xiaotong anymore, then you can cancel the matter of sealing me in the past;

"Second, if you don't know what to do, I will directly destroy this world!"

However, facing the threat of winning the hook, the boy of Tiandao just said indifferently:
"you will not."

"Win Gou, since you are in love with Mo Xiaotong, you won't easily destroy this world."

"You know, she is different from you. There are too many concerns about her in this world, and she loves this world."

"If she is a cloud, then this world is the sky; if she is a fish, then this world is water; if she is a flower, then her roots are in this world... Even if you destroy this world, she will not be able to survive."

Tiandao lived longer than winning hooks, and it was easy to see this.But before he finished speaking, he changed the subject and said again:

"But even if you don't destroy this world, this world will be destroyed because of you."

"The soul of the Demon God J in your body is extremely demonic. It is a cursed power that will corrode all things, including the origin of this world, and will also be destroyed by the erosion of demon energy!"

"Once you fuse the soul of Demon God J, its demonic nature will grow and develop in your body! It will start to erode and devour this world, even if your intention is not the same, the ending will be the same!"

 Thanks to the little angel Bailixi for the 399 reward
(End of this chapter)

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