my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1244 Your Burial Place!

Chapter 1244 Your Burial Place!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Ying Gou looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. The laughter didn't stop, the red eyes showed coldness, and with a wave of his slender jade palm, a series of space laws were released, completely sealing off this small world.

"From now on, this small world can only enter, not exit!"

"Today, I will kill all of you, and this is where you will be buried!"

At this moment, Yinggou's body was filled with a deep and murderous aura, and the corpse aura was like surging red fire waves, and the coercion was astonishing.

The four corpse ancestors each took out the corpse emperor seal.

The sound of bang bang suddenly sounded.

Almost instantly, tens of thousands of high-level zombies appeared in this small world.

Among them, there are hundreds of blue-eyed zombies, more than 1000 golden-eyed zombies, and the rest are white-eyed zombies.

Seeing such a powerful army of corpses, everyone's hearts began to tremble, and their eyes showed horror, but none of them begged for mercy or retreated, but all of them raised their combat power to the highest level.

Xuangui Patriarch showed helplessness in his eyes, and murmured: "This time, Patriarch, I can only use all my strength... Sigh, I don't know if that girl can come in time..."

Wen Yu silently looked at the winning tick.The other party looks exactly like Uncle Shen, but they are so strange and cold.

The boy of Tiandao's eyes narrowed slightly, and said in a low voice: "If you can't retreat, then you can only fight!"


In the next instant, the figure of the young man of Tiandao disappeared, and at his original position, a black and white monitor lizard suddenly appeared!

This is its body, and it is also transformed by the aura of order.

Those black and white lines, like Tai Chi Liangyi, seem to be able to derive all things, swimming in it as if there is life.

Its body stretched rapidly, and finally became like a mountain range. It suddenly pulled out its huge legs and feet, shaking the world.

As soon as it lifted its foot, it turned into a black and white streamer and rushed directly towards the winning hook!
There was a terrifying throbbing, and the giant lizard was sent flying by the hook, rolling and rolling. If the world hadn't been specially strengthened, it would have collapsed at this moment.

"Heavenly Dao, you are nothing more than that." With a flash of Yinggou's figure, he had already arrived at the giant lizard's side, and countless laws were instantly played out.

On the scales of Heavenly Dao, the power of law also flew up to fight against him.

another place.

The general was surrounded by many dragons.

"Longzu has ordered that you don't need to be polite when you see a general, and beat him to death!"

"That's right, we'll hit the generals!"

A group of flood dragons cursed and rushed up.

"It's just a red-eyed zombie. The so-called two fists can't beat four hands. There are so many of us... oops..." A dragon was kicked into a parabola by the servant, and the cry became farther and farther away.

"This guy can suck blood! It hurts!" Another dragon clutched its neck, and the huge bloody mouth on it was bitten out by the minister.

He was screaming for pain, when suddenly the blood in his body turned into a blood arrow, which shot out uncontrollably from the wound with a whoosh sound.

In the blink of an eye, all the blood in the dragon's body was drained, turning into a dry dragon corpse and falling to the ground.

The blood condensed and turned into a drop of blood essence that fell into the general's mouth.

At this moment, the general's breath rose again!
This is the power of blood corpses!

At this moment, a dark cloud-like figure flashed across the sky, they set off a gust of whistling wind, and rushed towards the general while roaring!

"It's Ming Mosquito!" The general's red eyes narrowed, feeling a little headache.

 Thanks to the old king next door who is the king girl, the three little angels who are full of thorns and Wang Cang for their rewards~~ Today I belong to you, let me be ravaged to your heart's content!

  These days there are double monthly tickets, this, can I ask for it?

(End of this chapter)

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